Chapter fifty-eight

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Chapter fifty-eight green tea tea fifty-eighth day

    Regarding Lin Xiaocha's live broadcast of reverse delivery, the popularity has remained high, and Baorong's sales have once again broken a new record.

    This also makes many people turn their attention to the rise of domestic products. Should we give more confidence to domestic products, maybe it is not so bad.

    Lu Manman naturally also saw that Lin Xiaocha's topic was soaring and fans skyrocketed. Lin Xiaocha's team really opened the door for high-profile, high-profile, and they took the opportunity to conduct a lottery and become a hot search.

    Whether it's online or on the set, Lu Manman can hear others discussing Lin Xiaocha wherever he goes.

    Everyone did not shy away and talked freely, saying that Lin Xiaocha was the ceiling of the entertainment industry's appearance, and the new generation of Xiaohua said that the variety shows she participated in were also very good-looking.

    Everyone is looking forward to the stars, the moon, and the second issue of "Our Beautiful Life".

    Others said that Lin Xiaocha's acting skills are not mature enough, so there is more room for growth. After watching the audition clips released by the crew of "Jianxin Tianxia", they are still looking forward to this drama.

    Listening to this, Lu Manman was very upset, and blamed Lin Xiaocha for stealing her role and the attention that belonged to her.

    Originally in the crew, everyone revolved around her, but the beauty luck system bound to her once again warned her not to try to change the plot.

    In this regard, Lu Manman also complained in his heart, not daring to confront the system openly, not to mention that she is the heroine of this world, and every hardship she suffered in the early stage will be doubled in the future.

    A person can be a good person after suffering and suffering. What is a Lin Xiaocha?

    Lu Manman had just finished filming and was about to go back when she suddenly received a call from Sister Hong.

    "Emperor Hotel?" Lu Manman asked in surprise, "Sister Hong, didn't you say that the heroine of that drama has already appointed me?"

    Sister Hong: "The director is very satisfied with you, tonight is the director's team's game. , let the protagonist and the investors have a meal together, you can go through the scene and show your face, there is no other meaning."

    Lu Manman hesitated for a while, and then agreed to go to the dinner party in the circle as a normal entertainment.

    "Okay, what time?" she asked.

    "Seven o'clock. You go to the styling studio first, and remember to dress up nicely. I have something to do tonight. Let Xiao Cao accompany you to go with you. The two of you can take care of each other." Sister Hong told her.

    Lu Manman asked the system, "Did I just meet the hero this time?"

    She was still a little shy, so she didn't ask directly. After all, the first encounter between her and Ji Lingchen in the original book was all in the dark. Intense and indescribable.

    System: [Yes host. 】

    Lu Manman understood, she shook the phone and said, "No need for Sister Hong, I can go there by myself, Xiao Cao, she just went back. You are not familiar with the director, I will come back after a while."

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