Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Green Tea Tea Day 82

    Lin Xiaocha came to the company after saying hello to Gu Huaizhi in advance. After all, he is the president of the entertainment company, so he must be very busy.

    She didn't want to run away.

    Gu Huaizhi's president's office is located on the top floor of the Global Entertainment Building. It is very dangerous. If an earthquake comes, you can't run away. No, it should be said that it is a floor with excellent sight.

    The scenery of the whole sea market is unobstructed, and it sits in the golden area, which is a symbol of noble status and status.

    When Lin Xiaocha went up, Gu Huaizhi's secretary greeted her: "Miss Lin, Mr. Gu said that you are here, you can go in directly."

    "Okay, thank you!" Lin Xiaocha directed at the secretary and sister, Sweetly smiled, "Miss, your lipstick color today is so beautiful, it suits your complexion." The

    secretary pursed his lower lip unconsciously, and said shyly, "Your eyes are really poisonous, this is Bao Rong's new one. Lipstick number."

    "?" Lin Xiaocha was startled.

    Is it the Bao Rong she knew?

    The secretary cleared her up, yes, she had brought the goods and was still inspecting Bao Rong in the evaluation.

    Baorong's products are now on the rise in sales and word of mouth, the company's performance has turned around, and they have also launched a new makeup line.

    In fact, Lin Xiaocha doesn't pay much attention to these news. Zhang Shan has once again received the latest cooperation invitation from Baorong.

    They wanted Lin Xiaocha to be the face of the entire product line, skin care and makeup lines.

    It's just that Zhang Shan has been worried by Lin Xiaocha's abnormal behavior recently, and he hasn't had time to report the matter to her.

    Lin Xiaocha had an argument with the secretary. She came here to give a gift, so of course she couldn't delay the business.

    The secretary saw that she was carrying a gift box in both hands and took the initiative to knock on the door for her.

    "Come in!" Gu Huaizhi's voice came from inside.

    The secretary helped open the door of the office, Lin Xiaocha thanked again, and she walked straight into the room.

    It was the first time for Lin Xiaocha to come to Gu Huaizhi's office. He used to go to her studio on the sixth floor to eat and drink, but now she finally turned over as a slave and became the master.

    Gu Huaizhi's office has a very different style, and the interior occupies a large area. The furniture and design are very high-grade at first glance. As expected of the president, he has a lot of style.

    However, Lin Xiaocha looked up and saw that there were still people at Gu Huaizhi's desk, but they seemed to be discussing things very seriously, as if no one noticed her coming in.

    Seeing this, the transparent person Lin Xiaocha suddenly stopped, and she asked politely, "Mr. Gu, are you still busy?"

    Gu Huaizhi looked over after hearing the words, and waved to her: "I'm done."

    Lin Xiaocha thought to herself that other people knew that they had a good relationship and sent her delicious food back, but Gu Huaizhi didn't even say thank you.

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