Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 Green Tea Tea Day 73

    The program "I Want to Fall in Love" has gone through the stage of spending money and tossing without splashing in the early stage, and the program team has tried various ways to save themselves.

    Ever since someone in the team proposed to invite Lin Xiaocha to join the show, the popularity of their show and the number of live online players have surpassed day by day.

    Even the investor's father personally called to congratulate him and found the right person.

    The director was very happy, and immediately sent a hundred small red envelopes in the work group to celebrate.

    Originally, friends in the circle laughed at him. He was not suitable to be a director at all. He advised him to stop dreaming and take the civil service exam at home.

    Who knows, there will be another village in the dark and bright!

    All thanks to Lin Xiaocha for making him more confident.

    Not only that, since Lin Xiaocha joined the show, everyone's food has also improved significantly, and they are no longer eating business lunches that are hard to swallow.

    With gratitude, the director discussed with the program team, found Lin Xiaocha alone, and called her the food bill. After all, she was a guest, no, the God of Wealth.

    Don't let her post the program group backwards.

    Lin Xiaocha was also looking for an opportunity to ask for money from the show team, but she didn't expect the sheep to deliver it to her door.

    Good, good, this show has a great future.

    After dealing with the person in charge of the program here, today's recording will continue as normal.

    Everyone enjoyed their breakfast very happily, looking forward to where Lin Xiaocha will take them on a date later?

    Lin Xiaocha is also looking forward to it, but when she sees other people wearing short sleeves and shorts, and they are going out like this, she can't help frowning, and warmly reminds: "All handsome brothers and sisters , our date today is outdoors."

    In June, it's an island city like Nan, and it's normal for everyone to dress cool, but it's very sunny outside.

    Xie Yumo touched his chin when he heard the words and guessed, "Could it be that Xiaocha wants to play cosplay? For example, our men put on dresses to act as princes, and your girls put on beautiful princess dresses to act as princesses?

    " His eyes fell on Lin Xiaocha, and he smiled evilly, "Brother is looking forward to what you will look like in a princess dress!"

    Lin Xiaocha rolled his eyes after hearing this, this person thought so beautifully.

    [Haha, the tea cub rolls his eyes so technically, the screenshots are also beautiful, and the look of disgust is so cute]

    [LS is not black? He even took a screenshot of Lin Xiaocha rolling his eyes, please share it with me]

    [Prince X Princess, Mr. Xie really knows how to play]

    [Want to see it! 】

    Xie Yumo raised his eyebrows and asked her back, "What do you mean?"

    Lin Xiaocha choked, and said warmly, "It's hot outside, you will get sunburned when you wear short-sleeved shorts, and you will get sunburned easily, although I have a sunscreen spray with Baorong. After my evaluation for many days, his sunscreen is also good. We can't always apply sunscreen when we are outdoors, right? It will delay the business."

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