The vanished

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It was the next morning and the Wheelers were eating breakfast, when suddenly the house phone rang.

"Oh Joyce, Hi." Karen said as she answered the phone, and mike poured syrup onto Nancy's eggs.

"What the hell mike!" Nancy yelled at him.

"Hey!" Ted yelled at Nancy.

"Quiet!" Karen said still talking on the phone.

"Will? No, no, no, no, It's just mike." She said putting the phone back towards her ear.

"Why is he not home?" She said making Mike turn to her.

"Okay, bye." She finished and hanged up the phone.

After mike finished breakfast he got ready then left riding his bike catching up to Dustin and Lucas.

When they arrived at school they were met with confusion.

"That's weird, I don't see him." Mike said looking for his other bestfriend.

"I'm telling you his moms right." Lucas added

"Wait where's lolo?" Dustin said noticing the girl was also missing.

"She probably went with Will to class early." Mike said

"Yea he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz, and lo probably went with him."

They started walking to class when they were stopped by Troy and James aka the mouth breathers.

They bullied them for a little before leaving them alone.

They went to their classes then Mr. Clarke's class where they found out the ham shack finally came.

They started messing around with it when the chief of police Jim Hopper came and asked to speak to them. Hopper asked them what road does Will takes home.

"You said he and Lola took what street?" Hopper said.

"Mirkwood." mike said.

"Mirkwood?" hopper said confused.

"Yea" he said in a duh tone.

"Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" Hopper asked the officer beside him.

"I have not, that sounds made up." He responded.

"No, it's from the Lord of The Rings." Lucas informed them.

"Well, the Hobbit." Dustin said correcting him.

"It doesn't matter!" Lucas exclaimed.

"He asked!" Dustin yelled.

"He asked!" Lucas said mocking him.

"Hey, shut up guys!" Mike said at both of them.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!" Hopper said talking over them.

"What'd I just say?" He asked all of them.

"Shut up." Lucas said a final time to Dustin.

"One at a damn time!" Hopper yelled making them all be quiet.

"You" He said pointing to mike.

"Mirkwood, it's a real road. It's just the name that's made up. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet." He said.

"Yeah, alright I think I know tha-" Hopper said but was cut off by Mike.

"We can show you if you want." he said.

"I said I know it!" He yelled.

"We can help look." Dustin said making Lucas agree nodding his head.

"No" Hopper said.

And just like that the party started talking over each other again.

"No, after school, you are all to go home Immediately" Hopper said.

"That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense." He said making the party sigh.

"This isn't some Lord of The Rings book." He said in a stern tone.

"The Hobbit" Dustin corrected again.

"Shut up!" Lucas yelled at him again.

The two started bickering again which cause them to start hitting each other.

"Do I make myself clear?" He asked softly staring at the party.

"Do I make myself clear?" he said again but more sternly since they didn't answer the first time.

The party all nodded and muttered yes, yea, and yes sir.

After that they were all dismissed and went back to going to their classes.

An: Anyone else feel like summer don't feel like summer...Just me...ok. Anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter. :)

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