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"Lola do you copy?" I heard Dustin said through the walkie.


"Lola do you copy?" He said a little louder



I jumped up and grab the walkie.

"What do you want?" I said still sleepy.

"Jesus were you sleep."

"Yes now what do you want Henderson." I said grumpy.

"We're going to the arcade remember."

When he said that my eyes shot open.

"Oh shit give me five minutes over and out!" I said turning off the walkie.

I hopped out of bed looking for something to wear. I put on a Queens and looked for some jeans I finally some quickly ran in the hallway heading towards Steve's room which was a bad idea. I tripped over my jeans falling face first towards the floor. I groaned getting back up and busting inside his room.

"Whoa whoa whoa what's the rush?" Steve said

I ignored him and started rummaging through his drawers looking for quarters.

"Looking for these." He said making me turn around to find him smirking at me holding a mini bag of quarters.

"Thanks Stevie boy!" I said snatching the quarters from him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey win me something from the claw machine!" I heard him yell from his room.

"Will do!"

I quickly ran out to the door grabbing my converses quickly putting them on not bothering to tie them. I quickly put my headphones on starting the tape in my Walkman. I grabbed my bike running in the street then hopping on it riding to the arcade.

Time skip

"Finally took you long enough." Lucas said making me roll my eyes at him.

"I'm here ain't I" I said.

"Where's Will?"

"His mom is dropping him off." Mike said.

As soon as he said that Ms. Byers car pulled up.

"Hey Will!" I said hugging him. Me and Will had gotten after what happened.

"Hey Lolo." He said hugging me back.

"Hi Ms. Byers." I said bending down to look at her.

"How many have I told you call me Joyce." she said playfully glaring at me.

"Sorry...Joyce." I said and she smiled softly at me.

Time skip

Dustin was playing dragons lair and everyone was scream at each other behind him.

"Oh Jesus, I'm in uncharted territory here guys!" Dustin cried worried.

Since everyone was yelling at one time you couldn't hear what everyone was saying.

"I'm going I'm going I'm going!" He yelled spamming the buttons repeatedly.

"Guys shut up so he can focus!" I yelled at them which they ignored and started screaming louder.

His character burn to death making us all groan in frustration.

"No no no no, I hate this overpriced bullshit!" Dustin exclaimed kicking the machine.

"You're just not noble enough. But you'll get there one day. but until then princess Daphne is still mines." Lucas said with a smug look on his face.

"Oh hush Luc-ass you couldn't handle her if you tried." I said making the others snicker and Lucas playfully push me.

"No it's fine. I'm still tops on centipede and dig dug." Dustin said.

"You sure about that?" A voice said making Lola and the rest turn around.

It was Keith

"Sure about what?" Dustin asked confused for a second before realizing.

"You're kidding me. No no no."

"No no no no no no." Dustin said repeating to himself.

"No! No!" He yelled looking at the top score.

"751,300 points!" Will yelled.

"Holy shit!" I yelled with wide eyes.

"That's impossible." Mike said.

"Who is Madmax?" Dustin asked.

"Better than you." Keith said making Dustin flick him off.

"Wait is it you?" I asked.

"You know I dispise Dig Dug." Keith scoffed.

"Then who is it?" Lucas asked before I could.

"Yea, spill it Keith." Dustin yelled.

"You want information. I need something in return." he said turning to Mike.

"While you guys figure that out I'm going to go win Steve something from the claw machine." I said and scoffed when I realized they weren't paying attention.

I started walking to the claw machine but stopped when I heard them stop talking. I turned around and saw no one in the arcade in general.

"Hello?" I said looking around.

I heard the arcade door open and turned around but saw nothing. I slowly walked towards the door and shakily put my hand on the door pushing it open. I slowly pushed the door open to find Will.

"Will?" I said with a shaky voice.

He quickly turned when he heard my voice and hugged me.

"Will are you okay what's wrong?" I asked worried

I realized what he saw when I looked up at the sky.

"What the hell." I mumbled to myself letting go of Will walking towards this big monster shadow.

"You see it too." Will asked me making me nod.

It turned around looking at me and Will making me put Will behind me protectively. It raised it's arm thingy up and was coming closer to us when we were both pulled back into reality by Mike.

"Hey you guys ok?" Mike asked

"Yea we just needed some air." I said looking at Mike and Will nodding agreeing.

"Okay well come on let's win back that top score, yeah?" He asked me and Will.

Time skip

I was riding back home when I felt a sudden unbearable pain making me fall off my bike. I groaned loudly clutching my stomach in pain. I lifted up my shirt and hissed at the sight. My scar I got from the Demogorgon looked like something inside it. I yelled in pain when I touched whatever was moving inside of me.

"Shit!" I screamed as the thing started poking through my stomach. It's head was now popping out my stomach.

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed as it's whole body was now out and on my pale stomach.

"What the hell are you?" I said picking it up pulling it closer to my face.

"Ouch you little shit!" I said as it bit my hand. I then threw it into the woods like nothing happened.

I looked at my stomach seeing it gushing with blood. I quickly and painfully got back on my bike riding home while clutching my stomach. I busted inside the house running upstairs to the bathroom to treat my wound. I quickly grabbed a rag, alcohol, and bandage wrap. I put the alcohol on the rag dabbing my wound lightly on the spot hissing from the pain.

"Lo you okay in there?" I heard a sleepy Steve say.

"Yea I'm fine." I lied

"Okay don't be up to late you have school tomorrow." He said making me laugh.

"Okay mom." I said making he scoff on the other side of the door walking away mumbling something.

I quickly finished up treating my stomach and hand and with to bed.

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