Mission: Find Eddie

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We finally arrived at lovers lake and everyone got out the cars. Robin gave everyone flash lights as we walked to the door. Dustin flashed his flashlight ringing the doorbell. We waited for a little but nobody answered making him ring the bell again. There was still no answer and he began to ring it over and over.

"D stop ringing the damn doorbell." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Obviously Eddie isn't here and if he is he won't answer the door." I continued.

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin said ignoring me.

Robin broke away from the group shining her light through the windows seeing is anybody was here. Dustin continued to screamed and ring the doorbell. I sigh frustrated and walked away from the group going behind the house. I hear footsteps behind me and already know who it is.

"Yes Max?" I questioned not looking around.

"What? I'm looking for Eddie just like you?" She responded.

I just hummed at her response.

"I'm sorry." Max said softly.

I turned around finally looking at her, even in the dark night I could still see her light ocean eyes and fiery hair.

"It's ok Max." I said smiling softly.

"No...It's not I've been a jerk and I just want to apologize." She continued.

I smiled softly at her and she returns the smile. We start walking around trying to find Eddie when we stumble across a old shed.

"Guys!" Max screamed grabbing everyone's else attention. They all ran to where we were and shined their flashlights on the shed. We all looked at each other before Steve walked in first. The door creaked loudly and Robin spoke.

"Hello?" Robin said as we all walked around.

"Is anybody home?" She continued.

"Yea i think a party is going on in here." I said sarcastically.

"What a dump." Steve said.

Steve walked around grabbing one of the boat paddles poking the boat loudly.

"What are you doing?" Dustin asked as we all turned around.

"He might be in there?" Steve shrugged.

I walked around looking for some clues and called the group.

"It's some stuff over here." I said.

"Yea someone was here for sure." Max said.

"Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran." Robin said.

"Don't worry, Steve will get him with his board." Dustin joked.

"I know you think you're being funny Henderson but considering the fact that everyone in this room has almost died about hundred times. Personally I don't find it funny tha-" Steve fussed but stopped when someone grabbed him holding something to his neck.

I quickly raised my hand restraining the person's hand. Everyone started screaming and I realized it was Eddie but I didn't let his hand go.

Dustin screamed at Eddie to stop and everyone ran towards the two. I stayed behind keeping his hand restrained.

"It's me. It's Dustin." Dustin said slowly to Eddie.

Eddie looked at Dustin terrified then back to his hand staring at the gold aura then looked to me with even wider eyes.

"This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you. Right Steve?" Dustin continued looking at Steve at the end.

"Right yea. Steve still in shock.

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