New Girl

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TW: Slight Homophobia

"Lolo wake up." Steve said lightly shaking my arm.

"Mmm five more minutes."

"No you have five minutes to get ready unless your gonna be late for school." he said sternly.

"Mm fine." I said getting up as he walked out the door.

I grabbed a random sweatshirt and some jeans and walk to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I was done I went downstairs and put some eggos in the toaster and went to go check I had everything I need. When I walked back in the kitchen I saw Steve eating one of my eggos.

"Steve." I groaned

"What I'm hungry too." He said shrugging.

"Then you should've made your own." I said snatching the eggo as he was about to take another bite and grabbing the other eggo from the toaster.

"Hey I was eating that!" He whined.

"Oh this?" I said staring dead at him finishing the waffle without blinking.

He laughed pushing my face away and walking away. I grabbed the syrup out the pantry and poured it on the waffle and let it dangle out my mouth while putting on converses.

"Steve I'm just gonna take my bike since your taking to long to do your stupid hair!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I grabbed my bike riding to school while listening to Queen.

Time skip

I quickly walked inside the school and to my locker avoiding all the eyes and whispers from people. I opened my locker to but my stuff away not before a paper falling out of it. I picked it up and when I did I seen some people snicker. I opened the note which spelled Zombie Dyke on it. I quickly crumbled the paper up as my eyes started to water and stuffed my bookbag in my locker slamming it shut. I began walking to Mr. Clarke's class and wiped my eyes before walking in and sitting down next to Lucas.

Time skip

"Meet the human brain. I know. I know. It doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? but consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution." Mr. Clarke said .

I found science very interesting but I kept dozing off. It wasn't because it was boring, It's just I haven't had any type of sleep yesterday twenty minutes max. My nightmares are worst than ever right now. It's like something is gonna happen...something big. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door practically busted open. My head snapped to the door at the sudden outburst only to see the principal and someone I never seen before.

"Ah, this must our new student." Mr. Clarke said.

What? Why would anyone want to move to Hawkins it's so boring here.

"Indeed it is. All yours," The principal said before walking out the classroom.

Standing next to Mr. Clarke was a beautiful redhead. Her fiery red hair and her freckled face on full display as the sun kissed her skin. Her ocean blue eyes that I could get lost in any time of the day.

"All right hold up. you don't get away that easy." Mr. Clarke said putting his hand Infront of her to stop her from walking.

"Come one, don't be shy." he continued.

"Dustin, Lola drum roll please."

Me and Dustin looked at each then smirked closing our books starting to drum on them.

"Class, please welcome all the way from sunny California. The latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage...Maxine!" He yelled

"It's max." The red head corrected.

Me and Dustin stopped and looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm sorry."

"It's just Max, nobody calls me Maxine just Max."

"Madmax" Me and the party said looking at each other.

"Well, all aboard max." Mr. Clarke finished.

We all turned around to look at her when she sat down. She rolled her eyes when see saw we were looking at her. They all turned away but I kept my gaze on her she raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly turned around.

Time skip

It was now lunch and instead of playing we were watching Max like stalkers.

"There's no way that's MadMax." Mike said annoyed.

"Yeah, girls don't play video games." Will said making me whip my head around to send him a playing glare.

"Except y-you lolo." Will stuttered out making me side hug him telling him I was joking.

"And even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. It's impossible." Mike said.

"Yeah but her name is max." Lucas butted in.

"Yeah so?"

"How many maxes do you know?" Lucas questioned.

"I don't know." He said shrugging.

"Zero that's how many!" Lucas exclaimed.

"And she shows up at school the day after someone with her name breaks our top score!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly so she gotta be MadMax. She gotta be." Lucas said looking at her with admiration which made me feel some type of way.

"And plus she skateboards , so she's pretty awesome." Dustin said.

"Hey I skateboard too. Am I awesome?" I said looking at Dustin and he just ignored me.

"Awesome? You didn't even talk to her yet." Mike said getting more annoyed.

"You don't have to mikey. I mean look at her." I replied.

"You got a little drool right there." Mike joked pointing to the side of my lip.

"Oh yeah I do." I said joking back flicking him in the head.

Me and Mike started playing fighting while Will looked at us smiling, and Lucas and Dustin were making googly at Max.

"Ok ok you win." Mike said making me smirk ruffling his hair.

"Hey the target is leaving." Lucas said making me and mike turn around to see the red head now gone.

"Shit!" I said watching her walk away and throwing something in the trash. I quickly ran over to the trash with the party close behind and Dustin pushed past me digging in the trash.

"Hurry up D!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"I'm trying!"

Me and the rest of the boys made a makeshift shield around Dustin.

"Ha I found it!" He screamed.

"What does it say?!" Lucas asked frantically.

We all looked at the paper that read Stop spying on me creeps. We all looked at each other with disappointed faces and Dustin threw the paper back inside the bin.

"William Byers." We heard someone and turned to see the principal.

"Your mother is here to pick you up." He said making me hug him goodbye and kissing his head.

"Hey you'll be okay. Ok?" I told him reassuring him knowing he was going to the hospital to get checked up on.

We all watched Will go with the principal before we all went back inside to go to the rest of our classes.

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