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That's all I felt in this dark and scary place. After I crashed I was sent to this weird slimy place. I just wanted to go home and watch Grease with Steve. I started roaming around trying to find a way out. I was turning a corner when I heard a low growling noise, I stopped in my footsteps and peered around the corner.

My eyes widened as I saw some sort of creature I couldn't figure out since it was turned around. I turned my head fast and made a gash on my cheek from a branch sticking out from a tree. I quietly groaned closing my eyes so I wouldn't make any noise. I turned the corner again and the creature was eating a dead animal but suddenly stopped and turned around and looked at me.

As soon as it turned around I recognized the creature from my favorite game immediately.

It was a Demogorgon.....

I started running as fast as I can and as fast as my legs can carry me. I don't know how long I was running but I soon stopped after I saw a familiar house. It was my house I ran inside hoping to find my brother.

"STEVE?!" I screamed running into his room. I kept screaming his name while looking around everywhere in the house and he was nowhere to be found. I started looking in the back of the house near the pool. I heard a noise the closer I got to the pool, once I reached the pool I looked down then wished I never did. I saw another Demogorgon it was eating something. My eyes widened when I saw human legs and lightly gasped. It quickly turned around and I got a full glance on who it was eating. It was Nancy's friend Barb who I saw numerous times while at Mike's. I stared there in shock as her body was now all bloody and almost unrecognizable. The Demogorgon screeching pulled me out of my trance and just like that I'm running for my life again.

My stamina started to run low the more I ran and the Demogorgon caught up to me fast and tackled me to the ground. I fell onto my back and quickly turned around for it to screech right into my ear. My ears started ringing as I grabbed stick next to me and stuck it inside the Demogorgon flower petal-looking mouth. It shrieked loudly and I took my chance to start running again but winced in pain as I was attacked again by the Demogorgon.

I soon realized that it's either me or this thing making it out alive. I turned around fast and punched the Demogorgon making it stumble. I was quick with my movements sprinting to grab a bigger stick and hid behind a tree. I waited for the Demogorgon to get close enough before moving away from the tree and walking behind it. I raised the stick and stabbed it into it's stomach. It turned around hit me making me fly back into a tree. I groaned but quickly got back up and got in my fighting stance.

The Demogorgon started running at me, and I waiting for it to get close enough before dropping to my knees crawling under it's legs. Then quickly standing up and pushed the stick further into it's stomach. I pulled the stick out as it turned around and stuck the stick into it's mouth pushing it in as much as I can.

It fell to the ground and I took my chance I and straddled the creature, it attack my side creating a large deep gash. I had so much adrenaline at the moment I didn't care. And suddenly I didn't feel like me anymore and I just kept punching and punching not realizing my fist had a gold aura surrounding and my eyes lightly glowing gold as well. I kept punching until my adrenaline wore off.

I stared now at my bloody hands. I have to get out of here I thought. So I started running again until I seen Ms. byers house in the distance. I wanted to be safe so I ran to her backyard smiling as I saw the sign castle Byers written on some wood planks. As I got closer I heard faint sniffling I grabbed a stick that was laying on the ground. I slowly approached the fort ready to attack. I pulled back the curtains to find Will.

"Will?" I asked looking at the fragile boy.

"Lolo" Will responded

"What are you doing here in this place it's dangerous are you okay?" I asked franticly worried for my bestfriend.

"I'm scared" He whispered he said trying to look at her with his blurry vision.

"I know, I'm going to find us a way out of here so I want you to stay put okay. I said looking at him with soft eyes. He hesitated but nodded not wanting his bestfriend to die out there.

"Please be careful I can't lose you." He said as tears started to fall.

"I promise I'll be careful."

I exited castle byers and once again started running. I ran for what felt like forever until I saw a big building. I ran inside hoping to find a way out of here. I roamed around the building finding a staircase the led down somewhere. I started looking around there when I found a weird red looking hole in the wall. I walked closer touching it and my finger went through, next I put my hand through. I did it I found an exit! I started putting my whole body through the hole, and after struggling for a bit I finally got through. I fell to the ground with a thud.

"HELLO?!" I screamed hoping to find help.

A bunch of people with hazmat suits rushed in to see what the commotion was about.


"Calm down...let's get you checked out." One of them stated calmly.


"We will find your friend...but let's get you checked out first because your bleeding." He said grabbing my shoulder.

"N-no you ha-have to get h-him." I said suddenly feeling dizzy.

I turned my head to see a needle stuck in my shoulder.

"W-what'd you d-do to m-me?" I said before I blacked out.

The hazmat people picked me up and took me to him.

"Welcome back ten." Dr. Brenner said.

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