Monsters and beaches

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"He's here." Will said making me nod my head.

We all got up rushing to the elevator. As we rushed to the elevator the front desk lady screamed at us.

I ran and pushed the button repeatedly but the elevator wouldn't open.

"Stairs." Mike said.

We rushed up the stairs and found Johnathan trying to break out a window with a fire extinguisher.

"Where's Nancy?" Mike asked not seeing his sister.

Johnathan turned his head to look at us with panicked eyes and pointed to the doors. His face was all bloody and bruised. I ran to Johnathan pushing him out the way raising my hand up forcing the door open. Inside the room was Nancy struggling to fight of a monster over her.

"Jesus!" Mike yelled.

"What the fu-" Max said.

"Oh my god!" I screamed.

The monster turns to us coming towards in our direction. El came from behind me lifting the monster up slamming it from side to side and then up and down. El dropped the monster next to the window. El looked at me and I nodded my head understanding what she wanted me to do. The monster screeched running towards me and I raised both my fist up blasting the monster out the window.

"Are you guys okay?" Nancy asked as Johnathan went to hug her.

We all nodded our heads. And Max walked up to me wiping my nose for me.

"Let's go find that thing." Johnathan said.

We all ran down the stairs and out the building. The last little bit of the mind flayer's goo was sinking into the rain drain.


Time skip


We were all waiting for El to find the flayed at Hopper cabin. We were all waiting patiently while Mike was panicked walking back and forth.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long." Mike said.

"Mike, you need to relax." Max said as I started to dose off in her lap.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" He continued.

"Mike shut your ass up she's fine." I groaned.

"Oh shit. Is that a real thing?" Lucas asked.

"No it's not. He made it up." Max said.

"Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." Max added.

"Oh and you do?" He questioned me.

"I do." I mumbled.

"No I-I" Max started.

I groaned walking and sitting on the couch closing my eyes dozing off again.

"Ok. Can you guys settle an argument for us?" Max asked making me open my eyes.

"Who do you think should decide El's limits?" Max continued.

"Mike or Eleven?" She finished.

"The way that you frame that is such bullshit!" Mike argued.

I groaned grabbing the couch pillow shoving it in my face.

I just want to sleep.

"It's not bullshit Mike!." Max yelled.

"This is your whole problem and it's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass!" She continued.

"El dumped you?" Nancy asked.

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