New power?

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We were still walking on the train tracks when I heard a noise coming from the woods.

"Did you guys hear that too?" I whispered.

"Hear what?" Steve said.

As soon as he said I heard the noise again. Steve grabbed his bat from the side of his bookbag gripping it tight.

"Who's there?" Steve said making his voice deeper.

We all started walking to the where the noise was coming from.

"Steve?" I heard a voice say.

As I got closer I could make out the face of Nancy, and Johnathan?

"Nance?" I said making myself known.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Nancy said looking at all of us.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked back.

"Looking for mi- oh my god what happen to you!" Nancy said rushing to my side.

"I was attacked by a Demogorgon. Again." I said.

"They're not in there. Are they?" Lucas suddenly asked.

I was confused until I realized we were in front of the lab.

"" I mumbled.

"Hey what's wrong?" Max said coming to my side.

"I can't go in there. Not again."

"You won't ok. You can stay out here." Nancy said reassuring me.

"Guys! The power came back on." Dustin yelled.

As soon as he said that I felt a terrible pain. I started screaming in pain as I felt something moving inside of me. I fell to the ground on pain.

"Hey. hey Lola what's wrong?" Max asked sitting down next to me.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" I screamed thrashing around on the floor.

My ears started to ring really bad and I snapped my eyes shut. I felt myself getting picked up and put into to something. I open my eyes as the ringing started to die down and seen a blurry face. My vision started to clear a little bit and I think it was Nancy.

"Nancy?" I said touching the person's face.

"No it's me mike." The person said moving my and away.

"Mikey?" I said using the nickname I gave him when we were younger.

"Yea it's me Mikey." He said with a slight smile.

I started to fell the thing moving again making me scream in pain. I felt it poking my stomach trying to get out.

"It hurts!" I screamed.

I raised my hand over my stomach as a gold aura swirled around the wound. I was in so much pain but I needed this thing out.

"Open the window." I said to Mike.


"Open the damn window!" I screamed.

As he opened the window I started to pulling the thing out with my powers. I screamed the more and more I pulled until it was finally out and was screeching, I quickly threw the thing out the window and Mike rolled the window back up.

"Holy shit! What was that?" Mike yelled.

I didn't response as I felt my conscious slipping away form me quickly.


Time skip


Third person POV:

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