"Is that-"

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I awkwardly walked to the couch sitting down and sadly Max wasn't there. The silence was painfully awkward when Dustin started to talk.

"Hey, I'm sorry about....Dart, and all." He started.

"I guess I just thought that he was my friend. I was wrong, I broke the rule of law." He continued and then he looked dead at me.

"So if you want your girlfriend Lo to take my spot in the party, I understand." He said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Girlfriend!?! She's not my Girlfriend!" I said shaking my head rapidly.

"Are you sure?" Lucas said not believing me.

"Yes!" I screamed.

"Steve because Steve said-" Dustin started.

"Dustin! Nobody is taking your place in the party. And I meant that, and she's not my girlfriend! B-because that not normal!" I yelled.

"Okay, whatever you say." Dustin muttered looking at me weirdly.

"What are you guys screaming about." Max said walking in the room.

I didn't say anything and just looked down.

"Lola's upset because your not her gi-" Dustin started.

"He's lying!" I yelled to stop him.

"You guys are weird." Max mumbled and sat down on the other side of the couch.

"I have to go find Steve." I said randomly and quickly walked outside.

I found him in the shed finishing up the makeshift room.

"Hey Steve can I tell you something?" I said standing in the door.

"Yea lolo, what's wrong." He said stepping out the shed.

"You were right, I do like Max." I admitted.

"I know I'm right." He said with a smug smirk on his face that said I told you so.

"Steve this is serious." I said groaning.

"We kissed." I whispered.

"What." Steve said.

"We kissed." I said a little louder.

"I can't hear you." He continued.

"We kissed!" I yelled.

"You kis-!" Steve screamed and I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Shush the whole house can hear you!" I hissed.

"Yes we kissed ok." I whispered uncovering his mouth.

"How did it happen." He whispered back.

"I went to the bathroom to wash my face and she came in and asked what was wrong and I told her and then she gave me a hug and then boom we kissed." I said in one breath.

"That's great! Now you guys can date right?" Steve said excited.

"No." I said sadly.

"What why?" He said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Because she doesn't like me back." I said.

"But you kissed." He said confused.

"Yea but she been acting weird. Like after we kissed she Dustin knocked out the door and she basically ran out and she hasn't been in the living since and when she walked in there she sat far from away from me." I ranted.

"You know she's just playing hard to get right?" He said in an obvious tone.

"No she isn't Steve." I said.

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