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I was currently in the kitchen trying to make breakfast for Max but was failing badly.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." I muttered grabbing the pan that was now on fire.

I quickly but carefully ran to the sink running water under the pan. The fire went out but smoke quickly filled he air setting off the fire alarm. I quickly widen my eyes grabbing the now wet pan running over to the smoke alarm waving to pan in front of it trying to stop the sirens from waking up Max. But is was a little too late. I seen Max emerge form her room wiping her eyes with a confused face.

"Shit I'm sorry Max I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized still waving the pan like a mad man.

"What were you doing?" She asked still confused on what's going on.

"I woke up early so you know I thought why don't I make breakfast for my beautiful girlfriend. But as you can see cooking isn't one of my specialties. And now I'm try to make this stupid alarm go off!" I said yelling at the end. Max didn't say anything and went to the kitchen and came back with a and towel and stated waving the towel in front of the alarm and after a couple waves the alarm turned off.

"Thank you, but your lucky my parents or Billy wasn't here.." Max said.

"Yea, I'm sorry." I said looking down embarrassingly.

"Don't be embarrassed." She said kissing my cheek making me smile.

"So what should we do now?" I asked walking back to the kitchen setting the pan in the sink.

"Well first you should probably wash that pan." she said and I nodded my head.


Time skip


"Do you want me to show you again?" I asked Max skateboarding to her.

"No no I got it." She said waving me off.

"Alright." I said going onto the grass.

Max stood on her board fixing the position in her feet and attempted to succeed the trick when the board fell from under her making me rush to her side.

"Are you okay?" I said holding my hand out and she grabbed it pulling herself up.

"Yea I'm fine." She said and went after her board and I followed her.

We both went to her board when someone grabbed her board. We both looked up at the person to see Eleven.

"Hi." Eleven said holding her with Max's skateboard in hand.

"Hi?" Max said with furrowed eyebrows.

"He el." I smiled.

"Can we talk?" Eleven said and me and Max looked at each other with confused faces.


Time Skip


"And then he said...he missed me. And then he just hung up." El said and Max started pacing around the room. I just stared at the girl in thought.

"Maybe he hiding something." I said.

"No he's a piece of shit." Max said.

"Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his nana obviously isn't sick." she continued.

"I bet him and Lucas are playing Atari right now." I said.

"But friends don't lie." El said confusingly.

"Yeah well boyfriends lie. All. The. Time." Max said.

"Do girlfriends lie?" El asked looking both me and Max.

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