Party Members Only

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I don't know how I expected my morning to go, but I surely didn't expect to be going through the school's dumpster.

"Stop being a baby and do it already!" Mike yelled at Lucas.

"This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?" Max exclaimed.

I was zoning out when I heard Dustin in my ear.

"What the hell is going on?"

"really D right next to my ear." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry Lo"

"What do you think? We're looking for dart." Mike said.

Lucas threw some trash out the dumpster almost hitting us.

"Jesus!" Dustin exclaimed

"Well. Well. Well." Lucas said jumping out the dumpster.

"Look who finally showed up, after I drew the short straw. Real convenient." He continued walking over to Max and Dustin

"You stink!" Max said scooting away towards me.

"Hi Max." Dustin said blushing.

"Hi?" She said coming out more of a question making Lola snort.

They both made eye contact making Lola smile, but Max looked away wiping the smile off her face.

"Where's Will?" Dustin asked them.

"He'll be here." Mike answered for him.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?" Lucas asked Dustin tossing him a stick.

"Or are you gonna help?" he continued.

We all started looking through the trash again.

Time Skip

"We're pretty much the same. When we encounter danger, our hearts start pounding." Mr. Clarke said.

My heart started pounding from flashbacks of being in the upside down.

"Our palms start to sweat." he continued.

I wiped my hands on my pants.

"These are signs of the physical and emotional state we call...fear." He finished.

I pushed my chair back making it screech. Everyone looked at me making me fell small.

"Uhm can I go to the bathroom?" I asked standing up.

"Yes just take the bathroom pass." he informed me.

I just nodded and quickly walked to the pass and walked out the classroom.

I felt like I was gonna pass out and ran into the bathroom. I quickly turned the water on and splashed my face with water. I started to feel better and walked back to class.

Time Skip

Third Person POV:

The party plus Max went outside after school.

Mike ran to the telephone poll punching in a number. Some seconds go by when he slammed the phone down angerly.

"Anything?" Lucas asked him.

"We need to talk. Av room, now." Mike said running back into the school with the others behind him.

"Party members only." he said sternly after everyone started walking into the room.

"Come on Mike." Lola said.

"No! This isn't for discussion." He said to her.

"Sorry Max." Lola muttered.

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