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"Is that Lucas?" I said.


Dustin grabbed his bookbag fumbling for his walkie talkie.

"Lucas where the hell have you been?" Dustin asked turning the channel up.

"Listen, are you guys looking for Eddie?" Lucas asked.

"He's at the boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don't worry he's safe." Dustin said. I leaned in smacking Dustin's shoulder signaling for him to not to snitch.

"I mean...I think." Dustin tried to cover up and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You guys know he killed Chrissy right?" Lucas said.

"That's bullshit! Eddie tried to save Chrissy!" Dustin said frustrated. I looked in the rearview mirror seeing Steve's upset face. I rubbed his shoulder giving him a soft smile through the mirror and he looked smiling back.

"I think some shit's about to go down." Lucas said bringing back to the conversation. I looked to Max who was staring out the window.

"Max you ok?" I asked the redhead but she ignored me.

"Max-" I said touching her hand when she yanked it back.

The hell is her problem

"Lucas? Lucas?!" Dustin yelled.

"What happened?" I said hearing the static.

"I don't know." Dustin said smacking the walkie talkie.


Steve pulled into the school's parking lot and we all got out walking inside. Dustin pulled out his walkie as Robin's voice was heard.

"Dustin do you copy?" Robin said.

"Yes I copy." He responded quickly.

"So Nancy's a genius, Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959." Robin said.

"Jesus." I said widening my eyes.

"Ok that's totally bonkers but I can't really talk right now." Dustin said changing the subject.

"Wait what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"Breaking and entering school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files." Dustin explained.

"Can you repeat that?" Robin said.

"We broke into the school." I said taking the walkie from Dustin's hand.

"Just get your ass over here stat. We'll explain everything." Dustin said taking the walkie back. Dustin put his walkie back up and we followed Max to Ms. Kelly's office. Max unlocked the door walking to to the filing cabinet. The rest of us started looking around the room.

"It's like a mini watergate or something." Dustin said.

"Hawkinsgate." He continued

"Holy shit." Max gasped. We all quickly gathered around her looking at the files in her hand.

"You found it?" Dustin asked.

"Yea and it's not just Chrissy's file, Fred was seeing Ms. Kelly too." Max said.

"Oh shit." I said looking at the files with Chrissy's and Fred's name on them.

"What does it say?" I said taking one of the files from her hands. I opened it scanning through the papers.

"Max?" Dustin said making me look up.

"What is it?" He continued. Max stood still looking straight ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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