Battle bus

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I was awaken by banging on the door, I sat up quickly but slowed down my pace still in pain from yesterday. I slowly walked to the walked downstairs and the banging got louder.

"Alright I'm coming Jesus Christ!" I hissed and swung the door open to find Dustin.

"D what are fuck are you doing here? It's like six in the morning." I groaned.

He didn't say anything but opened the door more and welcomed himself in.

"What's the matter D?" I said following him into the living room.

"I messed up really bad." He said pacing around the room.

"What did you do?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"So I found dart and didn't tell anyone, and well he grew and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon." Dustin said all at once.

"What the hell do you mean he grew."

"I mean he went from the size of a nougat bar to the size of a adult dog!" Dustin screamed.

"Holy shit!" I said looking at him with wide eyes.

"We need to find him." Dustin said.

"And how exactly are we supposed to find him just the two of us." I said

"Well not just the two of us." Dustin said raising his eyebrows.

"What are you getting at D?" I asked suspiciously.

"We need your brother too." He said.

"What! No Steve does not need to go with us." I yelled.


Time skip


Me, Steve, and Dustin are in Dustin's backyard standing Infront of his trap he made for dart. Steve had his bat in his hands and banged on the door a couple of times.

"You got a key for this thing?" Steve said.

Dustin just ran inside and came back out with a key. Steve grabbed them and slowly opened the door.

"I'll stay up here just incase he tries to escape." Dustin said talking about Dart.

"Yea same." Me said.

Me and Dustin watched

Me and Dustin watched as Steve gripped his bat tight and slowly walked down the stairs. We had been waiting a couple minutes and Steve was still down there.

"Hey Steve you alright?" I asked worriedly.

There was no response.

"Steve?" Dustin called out.

"You might wanna come down here." Steve said.

Me and Dustin looked at each other before going down together.

"Holy shit." Dustin said.

"What?" I said looking at him weirdly.

I looked to where Dustin was looking at and gasped.

"Holy shit." I whispered looking at Steve's bat that now have some weird slime on it..

We all walked over to where it was coming from.

"No way. No way." Dustin whispered.


Time Skip


It was the next day and me Dustin, and Steve was grabbing meat from Steve trunk to try and lure Dart. While getting the meat out the car Dustin's walkie went off. I wasn't really paying attention but I could hear Dustin arguing with Lucas about how his sister messed with his walkie.

After Dustin was finally done arguing with Lucas we started spreading meat along the tracks.

I was zoned out tossing meat every so often when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to find Dustin with a crazy expression. I turned to look at what he was looking at.

"You've got to be shitting me." I muttered under my breath.

I seen Lucas coming into the view and he was with Max. Dustin grabbed my hand and raced to Lucas and grabbed him and drag both of us away.

"You told her?!" Dustin whisper-yelled.

"Yea Lucas what the hell were you thinking?" I fussed at him.

"So what?" Lucas said.

"So what?" I said.

"So what!" I repeated a little louder.

"What the hell is wrong with you, why did you tell her she could get her idiot!" I exclaimed.

"You wanted to tell her too!" Lucas said poking my chest.

"Yeah, but she didn't alright." Dustin said backing me up.

"Well you told her about your powers." Lucas said.

"I had too! She already seen my eyes glow so how else was I supposed to explain why me eyes glowed."

"That's not the point Lucas we agreed not to tell her, and to look for Dart." Dustin said.

"Yeah who you conveniently found, and you knew he kept him Lo." Lucas said narrowing his eyes at me.

"I found out today for your information Luc-ass." I said sassily.

"Whatever, anyways have you talked to Mike yet." Lucas said changing the conversation.

Dustin shook his head no.

"Will?" Lucas continued.

I shook my head no this time.


"NO!" I screamed.

I saw Max turn around and look at me weird, I quickly looked down avoiding her eyes.

"Why do you think we have Steve Harrington here with us? Dustin said.

"Somethings wrong." Dustin continued.

"I agree." Lucas said.

"Which is why we need as much help as possible." I said for Dustin.

We all stood up a little and turned our heads when we heard grunting and seen Max struggling.

"She didn't believe me anyways." Lucas said.

"You probably didn't tell it right." Dustin said.

"So we good?" Lucas asked both me and Dustin.

Me and Dustin had a mini conversation with our eyes and looked to Lucas and held our hands out about to shake his hands when Steve stopped us.

Steve banged a big piece of metal on the car we were hiding behind which made us all jump.

"Hey dickheads, and Lolo, how come the only one helping me is a random girl?" Steve asked.

We all stood up and started helping amor the bus. Before we got on the bus I grabbed Max's arm dragging her behind the bus.

"Don't tell me you accepted the risk Mayfield." I said with worried eyes.

"Yea I believe your little story." Max said rolling her eyes walking away.

I sighed slowly walking to the bus door.









A/N: I'm back

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