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Demi's POV

I ran my hands over my dress once more before taking my knuckles to Sadies door and knocking on it three times.

For some reason I'm nervous. I know all we're doing is going over to my moms house to have Easter, but still. Nervous. Nervous. Nervous.

The door swung open and a very gorgeous Sadie stood in a dress of her own with a wide smile.

"Wow," I breathed out, "You look beautiful."

She blushed, "Thank you. So do you!" She eyed me up and down. I gave my thanks, then stepped inside her apartment.

In a matter of seconds, her whole mood changed. I watched her become a little jittery as she began picking at her fingernail, and walking deeper into her living room.

"I just have to grab something and then we can go." Sadie told me, walking towards her room.

Something is off about her. She's acting strange. Its not her nervousness. It's different from that, but I don't know what it is.

When she returned, she had a little purse that was draped over her shoulder and laid on her thigh. She was mumbling something about leaving as she was headed towards the door, but I stopped her.


She quickly turned around, "What?"

"What is wrong?" I asked.

She grabbed hair that was in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear, "Nothing is wrong."

"Sadie," I quietly said, "Please tell me."

She frowned and bounced from one foot to the other. She honestly looked like she was about to cry. I watched as she took a deep breath, then began speaking.

"Okay. Um, here goes nothing." She mumbled, finally looking into my eyes. "Demi, I like you. A lot. Not just as a friend. More than that... Way more than that and I'm kinda freaking out about it because you don't need me. You could have anybody else. I'm a train wreck and I-"

I stopped her rambling by grabbing her hands, "Sadie. Sadie, listen."

She stopped looking me in the eyes and adverted her gaze to the floor. "Look at me, Sadie."

She slowly looked into my eyes.

"I like you. A lot. Way more than a friend. So so so so much more than a friend." I laughed silently.

She smiled in relief but her nerves took over and she began rambling once again, "But how will it work? I'm scared of everything and Amy told me I have these walls apparently, and you're a celebrity and I'm me and then-"

"Sadie!" I laughed, cutting her off again. "We'll figure this all out. Oh, and those walls you're talking about.. I'll knock them down. But for now, don't worry about all of this. Let's go to my moms, then we'll come back to my place and sort it all out, okay?"

She nodded, "Okay."

And this time when our hands brushed together, I intertwined them.


Nothing is more adorable than watching Sadie and Madison help Nyah find Easter eggs. We hid them, scattered them high and low. Sadie is loving every second of it. Honestly, I can't tell if she's helping Nyah find them or if she's actually hunting them for herself. Either way, it's adorable. We've been here all day, had several different scavenger hunts, yet Sadie never looses her excitement.

I'm falling for her and I'm falling hard.

I literally fantasize random ass scenarios I want to happen between us. I yearn to be right next to her twenty four seven like a little lost puppy. Any chance I get to brush up against her, I do. When she touches me first, I feel like I could have a heart attack. I replay it in my head over and over again.

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