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crazy girl- Eli young band (not a big fan of country but this song reminds me of them so hard)
warning- rlly sappy and gross im sorry


"Good morning, baby," I heard Demi whisper in my ear, giving me chills all the way down my spine.

"Mmm," I mumbled, already smiling ear to ear. I rolled over and faced her, "Morning, babe."

Bump. We both went flying like three feet in the air, reminding us we're on a tour buss.

"Tour life for life," Demi giggled, making me laugh along with her. She's so right.

"Last night was lit, you could say," I said, remembering the cigars, the punch, and the kiss. Then, getting right on the bus at 3 AM.

"You were soo mad at me before you got that punch in ya'" Demi joked, grabbing my sides.

"I wasn't mad," I defended myself, slapping her hands off my sides. It tickles too much.

"You were very mad," she smiled, taking my hand that I was swatting hers away with and kissing it gently.

"Well, I wonder why." I said, rolling my eyes. I told her that when she smokes cigars it makes me uncomfortable, yet she did it anyway then tried pressuring me to try one.

"Babe, it's just a cigar. Get over it," she smiled, trying to joke again. Don't tell me to "get over it."

"Whatever," I mumbled, turning away from her and grabbing my phone off the charger.

"Oh my gosh, Sadie, I'm not fighting with you again over this. It's fucking dumb." Demi said, annoyance clearly in her voice, "I'm sorry. Ill never smoke, touch, look, or think about another cigar ever again. Damn."

I didn't even bring it up? I'm not the one who keeps talking about it. It's like she's saying these things and prying to get my approval. Guess what? She's not getting it. Especially acting like this.

"Stop being dramatic. The situation was over with last night. Stop bringing it up." I said, scrolling through my social media, even though I couldn't concentrate on anything I was reading.

"Whatever Sadie," she sarcastically laughed, "if this was you doing something I didn't like it would be a whole other ball game."

"Are you serious?" I asked, "If you asked me to stop eating cereal I would do it. If you asked me to do anything I would do it because you know I'd do anything for you."

"Oh, so now you're trying to make it sound like I wouldn't do anything for you? You're really pulling that card right now?" Demi asked, starting to raise her voice. "I could be flirting with other girls or something but all I wanted to do was smoke a damn cigar. Why the hell do you care so much?"

Flirting with other girls? The last straw has been plucked.

I sat straight up and slammed my fists down on the bed, "Because I love you, damnit! That's why I fucking care so much! I don't want to see you anywhere near the path you went down. I don't want to see you hurt again, is that so much to ask for?!"

My anger made Demi's face soften. I think she realized what she said had made me this frustrated. I'm so fucking pissed she's trying to turn this around on me. Like I'm the bad guy for trying to protect her.

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