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Slamming. Drawers slamming, doors slamming, feet slamming against the hardware, and all together a big commotion is what I woke up on what was supposed to be a beautiful Saturday morning.

Prying my heavy eyes open, I saw that Demi was already out of bed, which was a no brainier, making so much noise.

I swung my legs over the bed, attempting to get up and see what was wrong. Before I could do so, Demi barged in the room and flung her closet door open. Uh oh.

"Baby?" I asked, following her into her closet. "What's wrong?"

She's ripping shirts off hangers and if it's not what she wants, she throws it to the ground on repeat. "My uncle fucking died. He's dead. He's gone."

"Yeah, baby, he died a few weeks ago." I said, kinda confused. Of course she was greatly upset about it, but she accepted it and moved on.

"No." She said, anger just flooding though her. "Another uncle. A different uncle."

Fuck. My heart sank as I ran my hands through my bed hair. That's absolutely terrible and I have no idea if she wants comforted in the mood she's in right now.

She grabbed a t-shirt and some athletic shorts then pushed past me out of the closet.

"Baby, wait." I said, walking after her.

"First buddy, my grandpa, then uncle Billy and now uncle Jeff!" She started to raise her voice at me. "What the fuck?!"

"I know.. It's not fare and-"

"Of course it's not fucking fare!" She yelled, tears now streaming fast down her face. "Is this my fault?! Did I do something so horrible I deserve this?!"

I jumped back a little being overwhelmed with shock. Demi and I have gotten in a fare share of fights, but never has she raised her voice, let alone yell at me before.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Demi." I promised her. "This isn't your fault. You had nothing do with anyone's passings."

"They didn't deserve this!" She yelled, once again. "Maybe I do! I deserve to die instead of them!"

"Demi, stop you're scaring me." I barely made my voice audible. Why is she being crazy? Usually she's the one that's grounded, calm, and preserved. Not today.

"Of course I am." She cried even harder, her face turning even more red. "I push everyone I love away!"

I was just about to say that she hasn't pushed me away, when her hand curled up into a hard fist and she reared her arm back to punch the wall. Oh shit.

I quickly wrapped one arm around her as the other arm grabbed her fist to prevent destroying our newly painted bedroom wall.

"Let me go!" She sobbed, thrashing her body around.

She was flinging around like a fish out of water. I felt like I was trying to hold onto a bull that just saw the color red. She's so much stronger than me it's taking every bit of upper body strength to keep her in my arms.

I can't stay on my feet any longer. Slowly, I tried to carefully take us to the floor but on the way down her right arm got away from my grip. She was throwing it around and before I knew it, her fist collided with my nose.

Everything was was in slow motion as the pain hit full force. I'm dizzy and I can't focus my eyesight on anything, but I sure as hell got her arm back and sure enough we are finally on the floor.

All I can hear is Demi sobbing so loud, but my nose is in so much pain I can't even feel her scratching, squirming, or hitting anymore.

"Demi!" I raised my voice at her just like she did to me minutes ago. "Quit it!"

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