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The most crazy thing in the world is when multiple things tear you apart and it only takes one person to make you whole again.

I woke up in the most perfect way; my head on Demi's chest and our arms wrapped around each other. Zoo animals started going crazy in my stomach as I blushed.

"Good morning, beautiful." Demi smiled.

I tried to hide my rosy cheeks in her shoulder but it was no use. "Good morning."

"Did you sleep okay?"

I thought a minute about our fight last night, making up, and falling asleep. But.. Something's different.

Then it hit me.

I didn't have a nightmare.

I shot up in bed, trying my best to remember my nightmare, but it didn't happen. Because I didn't have one.

"What's wrong?" Demi asked, sitting up along with me.

"I- I didn't have a nightmare." I said, then broke out in a wide smile. "For the first time sense my parents died I didn't have a nightmare!"

She smiled ear to ear and pulled my into a huge hug. "That's freakin' awesome!"

"And it was the first time we actually slept in a bed together.. Maybe you being with me helps." I smiled.

"Looks like I'll just have to be with you all the time, then."

I smiled, but it slowly faded. One of the ways my parents remained in my life were the nightmares because they seemed so real. I'm afraid that now that I'm not having them, they'll think I'm forgetting them.

"Hey, why so sad?" She asked.

I voiced my troubles about forgetting them and she frowned.

"Sadie," Demi began, "You won't forget them. I know you think about them all the time. The nightmares leaving are a positive thing."

I sighed, agreeing with her. Maybe she's right.

Sudden alerts started coming from my laptop and Demi asked, "What is that?"

I reached over and opened it up to see my aunt has emailed me again.

"It's just my aunt-" I went to close the laptop, but Demi opened it back up.

"Aren't you going to read it?"

"No." I shrugged. "Once every six months all my family has this big get together and she invites me but it's no use."

She frowned and grabbed the laptop from me, looking more saddened as she read through the emails.

"Sadie, she's been trying to get in touch with you forever. Your whole family really misses you." She pouted.

I started to feel guilty, but then I remembered I moved out here for me. Not for them. I couldn't live there anymore. I was in pain.

"I think I have an idea." Demi grinned.


"Well, maybe you should fly out and surprise them. Maybe stay for a few days. I bet it will help about the nightmares and your parents.."

I shook my head. "I don't think I should."

"Sadie." She pleaded.

I shook my head and looked down.

"What if I go with you?" She hoped.

I looked up at her and saw she was actually really eager for me to agree. "You'll go with me?"

She nodded up and down a few times. Even though I'm on edge about it all, I do really miss my family. "Okay. I'll think about it."

"No, no, no." Demi said, closing my laptop. "No thinking, just doing."

I jokingly rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Maybe."

"If it's this weekend, we only have two days to prepare so think this calls for a sh-"

"Cuddle and movie day?" I asked, batting my eyes.

She glared at me. "Are we going this weekend?"

I sighed and and looked all over but Demi. "You just don't understand how hard it is going back."

"Yes I do, baby. That's why I'm going with you. I'm going to be with you every step of the way." She promised, holding my hand in hers.

"Fine, I'll go." I said more for her own sake than mine.

"Yes!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air. "We'll start packing tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." I agreed.

I laid back down as I watched Demi walk to the bathroom. Everything is crazy and I don't know how to stop or slow it down.

Like, I've been talking to Demi for a little over a month, but it doesn't seem that long. We're moving along pretty quickly. Two days ago, I wouldn't even dream about stepping foot in Louisiana, but Demi changed my mind in a heartbeat. She controls every fiber of my being.

The bathroom door opened and Demi stopped in the middle of the doorway and giggled at me.


"We need to get you washed up." She smiled.

"What are you talking about?" I swung my legs off the end of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Oh my lord.

Makeup from tears and sleeping were smeared across my face and my hair was sticking up in all other directions.

"I need to get in the shower." I said.

"Here, I'll take your makeup off and then you can." Demi laughed once again.

I hopped up on the counter as Demi started wiping away with cold wipes and makeup remover.

I just stared at her and watched her concentrated eyes move from one part of my face to the other. Her brown eyes look so soft and her lips look so plump. I couldn't tear my eyes away and couldn't fight the feeling of wanting to press mine against them.

Demi stopped wiping and put her arms down, signaling she was finished. But, we both just stared at each other. Her eyes were concentrated on my lips and would occasionally bounce back and forth between them and my eyes. I could feel us leaning in closer and closer. I should've kissed her then. Dammit, I should've kissed her. But I didn't.

I smiled shyly and looked away, sliding off the counter. I walked over to the shower and switched it on.

I glanced back at Demi and her fingers were at her own lips, confusion all over her face.

When she saw I was staring, she perked up and started backing away, "I'll wait out here."

I nodded and watched her leave the room.

Demi's POV

I should've kissed her, dammit.

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