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"Babe, please come with me!" Demi whined, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I can't, I have to take these midterms at Stanford." I lied.

"But.. Babe, you take online schooling! Why can't you take midterms online?" She questioned, hanging on tighter with each word.

"You have to take midterms, exams, and finals at Stanford." Although that part is true, I'm lying about having to take them.

Demi and a bunch of friends are flying to Vegas for iHeart Radio festival, but I want to surprise her so Im staying I can't go, but of course I am. I scheduled my midterms for a day after we get back.

"That's not fare." She whined, as I packed her bag. That's right. She made me pack her bag. At least it's only for two days.

"I know, baby." I said, zipping her suitcase up. "You don't understand how bad I want to be there with you."

"I wanted you to watch me perform the song I wrote about you." She pouted, looking down.

Excitement rose in my chest as i swiveled around so now her arms where around my stomach instead of my back. "You wrote a song about me?"

"Duh." She said, looking at me as if I said the dumbest thing ever. "Cool For the Summer?"

"Wait...You wrote that about me?" I blushed hardcore, not even being embarrassed about it.

"You knew that." She said. "I wrote it about a month after I met you."

"So you wanna go down to my paradise, huh?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

"If you'd let me." She winked, sending me into a frenzy.

I kissed the tip of her nose. "Maybe when you get back."

"I'll take it." She said, laying her head on my chest. It's so cute to see how much she's gonna miss me, but little does she know, I'm gonna be right behind her.

"We both have big days ahead of us, let's get to bed." I suggested, pulling away from Demi and setting her suitcase on the floor.

"Okay." She pouted, climbing into bed.

I turned the lights out and to avoid any monsters and or humans hiding under the bed, I made a quick run from the doorway right onto the sheets.

Demi's giggle contagiously echoed through the room, "You're so silly."

I laughed back, holding her close to me. She put her head on my chest and I honestly thought she was sleeping.

"I love listening to your heart beat." She whispered.


I could feel her shrug against me. "It's so beautiful. It's your reminder that you're alive, you're mine, you're actually real. Sometimes you seem too good to be true, but then I hear your heartbeat and I know I've found my heaven on earth."

"You are my whole world, Demetria. I can't even begin to explain how much I love you and how much I wish I could explain how much my life consists around you."

I might have overused the word 'much' in there but damn, I just wish I could explain to her so she actually understands how much she means to me.

"You're my everything, Sadie Lynn." She whispered.

"You're mine." I whispered back, even though there was no one around us to hear.

The rest of the night until both of us fell asleep consisted of her pacing the rhythm of my heart, and I slowly, rubbing my finger along the skin of her arm. Pure bliss.

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