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I thought looking around at the empty rooms I call my apartment, I would feel nostalgic. But I far from that. I'm glad to be moving out and moving on. These walls hold terrible memories, the rooms remind me of all the years I spent lonely, depressed, and by myself. Fuck that.

Demi and I sat in the furniture less room, surrounded by boxes. I sent my furniture into storage, some things I sent to my aunt. The rest is currently being packed into boxes just to be unpacked at Demi's the next day.

I was completely freaked out when Demi wouldn't eat yesterday, but today she's eating normal so I feel better. I let her get by with just popcorn when we got home, but if she wouldn't eat today, we were going to have a serious intervention. It must've been just knowing it was thanksgiving. 'Cause right now, she chowing down on her sandwich.

"What else is there to pack up?" Demi asked as sauce dropped down her chin.

I giggled, swiping it off with my finger. "Shoes, shoes, and more shoes."

"You have more shoes than anyone I know." She groaned.

"Priorities." I shrugged, flashing her a wink.

"Look how bare this room is." Demi said, glancing around.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Are you going to miss it?" The dark haired girl asked.

"Definitely not." I shrugged, looking around. "Too many bad memories."

Demi walked over to me, reaching a hand out to help me up. "We can't leave on a bad note. Let's go through every room and you tell me what your favorite memory, that happened there, is."

"Okay." I agreed, latching on to her hand so she could pull me up.

"Let's start here." She said, glancing around my vacant bedroom.

I thought back through the last few months with Demi. None of my favorite memories would be spent before her. All my nights drowning in self pity isn't my favorite past time. So, I thought back from when Demi and I started talking to now. I got it.

I laced my fingers in hers and dragged her over to where my bed used to be. "Right here was the first time we kissed."

Demi blushed, leaned in, and kissed me. "One last kiss for this room."

I bit my lip to keep from cheesing to hard as she lead me to the bathroom. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and rested my chin in her shoulder as I thought about it.

"I took a good shit in here that one time." I joked.

"Shut up, be serious." Demi laughed.

"Remember before your banquet?" I asked. I wanted to say: you know, the one Wilmer kissed you at? But I didn't.

"Yeah." She said.

"We stood right here for our picture that Caroline took. I realized then how bad I wanted to kiss you, and that I possibly had already fallen so hard for you. Right then, I knew in my heart I was going to make you my girlfriend." I smiled at the memory. I was too chicken to kiss her then, but now I'm moving in with her.

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