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Due to my hectic and crazy schedule surrounding the Grammys, Sadie wasn't able to fly out after all. I was everywhere at once and plus my publicist made a valid point- if we were seen together the speculation would over take the attention of my performance.

Now, I'm looking out the plane window. The sun is just rising and in a way it reminds me of Sadie. Humble, innocent, breathtaking, and beautiful.

Two days I've gone without Sadie and I felt like I was loosing my mind. How am I supposed to function when I go on tour? I can't just expect Sadie to drop all of her responsibilities for me, especially with school. I just have to think of a way to make ends meet because there's no way I'm touring without her.

Today is our eight months. How is is possible we've been together that long?! It's absolutely crazy. Eight months I've managed to fall completely head over heals, find my soul mate, and move in with my best friend. And manage to kind of keep it a secret from the public/media. Sometime, it's going to have to come out because I'm tired of hiding. The closet is boring.


Im two minutes away from our apartment, and I've never been more impatient. It's eleven in the morning right now, and Sadie hasn't answered my calls or texts yet. She couldn't sleep last night and went to the gym at three in the morning, so she's probably still asleep.

In the meantime, I'm dreaming about getting home and jumping on her and kissing her all over and hugging her forever and ever. Gosh, this is crazy. I have no idea how it's possible to love a human being this much. I would literally give her the whole world. How can I miss her so much and be so sad just in two days? Crazy. I'm in fucking love so hard. I can't stop babbling, either.

"Do you want help with your bags, Dem?" Max asked, pulling up in the parking garage.

"No, I got it." I said as he pulled up in a parking space. "Thanks, Maximus."

"No problem, boss." He said as I pulled my two suitcases out of the trunk, then ventured towards the elevator.

I punched in the number 11, and felt the small space rising throughout the number of floors. I wonder who invented elevators. It could've been a random guy that just thought, 'let's stand in a claustrophobic room that shoots us up in the air'. Before I could give it another thought, the elevator doors opened and I was just a hallway away from my beautiful girlfriend.

I would jog, but I'm dragging two different suitcases with two different lengths and I'm afraid I would face plant before I made it to the door.

I slid in my key, turned the handle, and opened it up. Finally, I'm home.

I dropped the suitcases by the door and quickly jogged to our bedroom. My heart exploded with fireworks and joy just seeing Sadie.

She was sprawled across the bed, slightly snoring. Her hair was still in a loose pony tail from the night before and she's sleeping with one of my t-shirts on. So fucking cute.

I jumped on the bed, straddling her waist and began tickling her and kissing her face over and over and over.

"Demi!" She squealed, trying to grab my face but my kisses were to quick. "You're home! Oh my gosh!"

After I knew my lips had covered every inch of her face, I let her grab ahold of my cheeks and kiss me so hard but so passionately. Kissing her after going so long without is so refreshing. I've craved this ever sense our last kiss.

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