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"I'm sorry," Sadie mumbles again as I wet another wash cloth sense her blood completely soaked the last one.

"Sadie," I sigh. I want to tell her to stop apologizing, but if I did, she wouldn't speak at all. After popping a staple out, I think she went into slight shock and the only thing she will say to me is she's sorry, though she has nothing to be sorry for.

I kneel back down beside her thigh and start to wipe the remaining blood that got on her shins and hands. The bleeding stopped a few moments ago, which is good, but I still think we should see a doctor to be safe.

"I'm sorry," she quietly says. I look up at my girlfriend and see she looks defeated. Her shoulders are slumped and her face has grown pale for the exception of the purple bags under her eyes. She's so damn beautiful anyways.

"Sadie, you have nothing to be sorry for." I said, pressing my lips against her now clean hands.

"Look at yourself," she said.

I huffed, pushing myself off the ground. In the mirror, I see I'm completely covered in red. Sadies dried blood is all over my arms, shirt, shorts, hair, hands, and some on my face.

But that's what love is. This- us in the bathroom at three am defeated, drenched, and exhausted- this is love.

"I look pretty damn hot, am I right?" I joke in hopes of seeing that smile of hers. The corners of her mouth raised as she nodded.

I need to get Sadie into bed before I start cleaning myself up, but I don't want to get more blood on her trying to help her.

Carefully, I took my t-shirt off along with my shorts. The blood is only wet on the clothing, the rest dried to my skin.

"I'm going to get us both some clothes, okay?" My heart is absolutely broken seeing Sadie so hurt. You can just tell she feels so crushed.

"Please don't leave me," she whimpered, desperation in her eyes.

Ouch! Those puppy dog eyes make my knees turn to spaghetti every damn time. "I'll be right back, I promise!"

Without letting those eyes guilt trip me into carrying her to the closet, I quickly left the bathroom so I could return as soon as possible. I blindly grab random t-shirts off our closet floor and go to our room to grab Tylenol by Sadies bedside. It's then I see our once white sheets are now dark, dark red.

"Oh shit," I mumble, gently bundling the sheets into a ball. Hopefully none of it drips onto our carpet, but if it does, it's not the end of the world.

"Demi?" I hear Sadie softly call out.

I stop in my tracks, my heartbeat speeding up. Is she bleeding again? Is she in excruciating pain? "Yes?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm coming!" I yelled, jogging out of our room and down the hallway to our laundry room. With one swift movement, I threw open the washer, tossed the sheets in, and jogged back to the bedroom.

With the shirts in hand, I return back to Sadie where she's shivering on the edge of the bathtub. I wish she was in the right state of mind because she's the medical one here and she'd understand what to do next.

"Here," I say, helping her maneuver her athletic shorts off. I see how sad she looks seeing her favorite white and black pair is now daunted red. "We'll get you a new pair, it's okay!"

She has blood smeared across her grey t-shirt from touching her thigh and wrapping her arms around herself so good thing I grabbed her one while I was gone. "Okay, take that off and get this one on."

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