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All night I laid awake with my phone on airplane mode, staring at the pictures of Wilmer holding her. I can't take it off airplane mode because I don't feel like fighting with Demi. More photos were added, only making me sicker and sicker to my stomach. The photographs make me cringe every time I glance at them, but for some reason I can't stop staring. Every time I attempted sleep, I would close my eyes and imagine Demi's hands on him as he kisses her, or her laughing because of something he had said or done. If something happened between them... I won't be able to cope.

I think I finally fell asleep around seven, but my alarm woke me up around eight. Sutton and I promised Aunt Lena we'd help prepare Christmas lunch. Demi and I's presents to each other are at home in LA, but I bought her a little something to open today. Which reminds me, I have to pick her up from the airport in an hour or two.

I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way into the kitchen where Sutton and Aunt Lena were already baking away. Of course they would make the deserts first so they could eat them while working on other foods.

"Morning." I mumbled, making my presence known.

"Morning!" Sutton smiled, pouring me a cup of coffee. That will be much needed today.

"Good mor-" my Aunt said, turning around but stopping when she faced me. "You look terrible. Did you sleep?"


"No, she didn't." Sutton answered for me. "Every time I woke up for a second, she was staring at those stupid pictures."

"Seriously, Sadie?" She asked, setting her oven mitt down. "Demi loves you and you know she wouldn't dare cheat on you. Now, go put makeup on and do something with yourself."

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the room. I will not cry. I'm going to hold it together.


With shaking hands, I checked my phone once more. No text from Sadie. The plane is landing and I have no idea if she's even going to be here. As of now, I'm not sure she's even my girlfriend. All of this was one big misunderstanding. Damn me if I can't have a little fun.

"We've got connections with your ride." Max said. "Sadie's picking you up."

Relief washed through me. She may hate me, but not enough to leave me stranded. Her problem solving techniques need some help, but it will be okay. She doesn't like confrontation or talking about her problems, which causes an even bigger problem. I just have to be patient with her today so we can fix this.

The plane came to a land, and Max was quick to help me with my bags. With my head down, I followed the men to a shiny black car. My pulse quickened as I watched the driver's door open, reveling a brunette. Not a blonde, and definitely not Sadie.

"Hi," the brunette said, walking around to shake my hand but tripped over the curb, almost falling. It clicked. I know who this is.

"You must be Sutton." I laughed for the first time in twenty four hours.

"You could tell?" She was clearly embarrassed, her cheeks turning red.

"You and Sadie are almost twins." Sadie would definitely trip over a curb. She gets embarrassed easily. "I'm Demi." I reached my hand out and shook hers.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." She smiled, closing the trunk.

"Same for you." I commented, sliding in the passenger seat. I knew they were having Christmas today, so I got a few presents and placed them in the backseat.

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