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Running. Moving. Crying. Worrying.

For the past twelve hours all I have done were the four listed above. After Wilmer came on stage and kissed me, I tried my best to hurry the show along so I could go to Sadies and explain what happened. I haven't talked to Wilmer in forever. He misses me. He still loves me. He kissed me. It took me completely by surprise. I couldn't be an asshole and shove him off stage, but I wasn't necessarily nice to him either. He feels terrible though because he didn't know we were a thing.

Anyway, right after the show I went straight to Sadies apartment. I stood outside the door and banged and banged, then called a bazillion times. I felt bad because what if she's sleeping?

The only thing that let me leave was knowing that she has therapy tomorrow and I'm going to barge in that room, remind her where we first met. Take her back to the start. I'll give her space until then. I'm getting her back because she's mine. Sadie Lynn is mine.


As I felt the sun beat down on my face through the curtains, I opened my eyes and stretched a little. SHIT. What time is it?!

I rolled over and saw that Sadies therapy session started three minutes ago. FUCK.

Not caring what I have on or what I look like, I grabbed my phone and keys off the table and quickly left my apartment to jump in my car.

I feel like a nascar driver, swerving and speeding past all the traffic. I can't miss her. I need to talk to her.

Arriving at the therapist building, I quickly parked and sprinted inside, past the receptionist desk all under twenty seconds.

I punched the up button on the elevator door repeatedly. "Come on." I impatiently muttered.

The doors started opening and I took no time to hop in, hit the number three, and punch the close button. It's like the damn elevator knows I have places to be so it purposely goes slow.

I impatiently bounced on my foot, thinking of what exactly im going to say when I see her. Is she going to be mad? Sad? Hate me? Will she listen to me?

The doors opened and I took one big deep breath. Here goes nothing. I ran down the hallway, sprinting so fast that my feet were a blur under me. I sprinted and sprinted until the therapy door came into view.

I grasped the door handle and full force pushed it open.

To my surprise, the leather couch that is usually occupied by Sadie, was empty.

My heart sank as the realization hit me that Sadie isn't here.

Amy swiveled around in her chair and gave me a look with her eyebrows furrowed, "Demi I-"

"Where's Sadie?" I asked, out of breath.

"I have no idea. I've tried calling. She hasn't missed one session in two years. Not one." She shook her head, then studied my face. "Oh- Demi, what happened?!"

I looked up towards the ceiling, swallowing my guilt and trying to catch my breath. "Last night Wilmer surprised me on stage. He gave me a hug and as we were pulling away he kissed me. Sadie left and-"

"Demetria." Amy said sternly. "Do you genuinely like her?"

"Yes! Amy, I-"

"Demi. Do you really like this girl?"

"Go- Amy! I fucking live for her. I breath for her. Lately, my whole damn earth revolves around her. Everything is about her. No matter what I do, it's all for her." I spilled.

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