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Listen to while reading: Tee Shirt by Birdy


"Sadie," I mumbled, finding it ten times harder to unbuckle. I'm shaking as I'm trying to yank the leather off, but eventually I hear a click and I'm released.

My heart is thumping hard against my chest as my feet start working faster than my mind, and I find myself sprinting past policeman and pushing aside firefighters. "Sadie!" I shriek.

"Ma'am," a officer stepped in front of me, holding his hand out, "I'm gonna-"

"This is my house!" I yell as all my senses come back at once and I'm overwhelmed at the screaming sirens. "My girlfriend is in there!"

"I need you to stay right here until we find out-"

"No!" I snarled, trying to picket around him, "My girlfriend could be hurt!"

My girlfriend could be hurt. No, no, no, no. She could be in there scared to death, injured, and she needs me! She's probably terrified alone!

"Honey, what's happening?" I felt a hand on my back and I turned to see my mom at my side, with my two sisters, Kelsey, and Marissa watching worriedly from a distance.

"I don't fucking know!" I said, gesturing towards the annoying officer, "He won't tell me shit!"

"Okay, can you please get an update from someone?" My mom calmly asked.

"And turn the damn sirens off!" I yell, growing more agitated by the second.

"Sweetheart," my mom said, rubbing my back, "calm down. He's just doing his job-"

"Bullshit, mom. That's bullshit and you know it. Sadie could be in there fucking dead for all I know and he won't let me inside my own damn house!" I fumed, wondering if it's physically possible to get any angrier.

"Can you at least tell us what happened?" Mom asked as I watch people run in and out of the house. They wouldn't be doing that if something bad didn't happen and now I feel sick.

"She was boiling water and cooking something else on the stove when plastic on the counter fell over on top of it and caught it on fire. She had ran downstairs for something when it happened," he explained. "You're lucky you installed those fire alarms that call 911 after four minutes of smoke."

Okay so the people are freaking out over the fire? That means Sadie is okay? It's just a fire. That may sound like a big deal but it means so little compared to my girlfriends life.

"So that means she's okay?" I twiddle with the necklace Sadie gave me that hung around my neck.

He remained silent, searching for the words to say. If she was fine, he would've said so. But she's not. My knees can't seem to find the strength to support my body and I feel like I'm about to faint at any second. No.

"What happened to her?!" I seethed, "Mom- mom, he has to let me in the damn house! Whatever she's going through right now- she needs me!"

They both begin to respond at the same time but I can't concentrate on what they're saying. I can't focus on anything at all, until I see a blonde being carried out of my house by a firefighter.

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