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"You're up, Y/n!" Nami giggled as she held up the bag. You looked curiously at the drunk girl and sighed. "Alright." You reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of goggles. "Sabo! You're up with Y/n!" Your eyes widen as your face felt hot. Your two little brain cells running in circles
screaming 'we got Sabo! We got Sabo! Nananana!'

You shook your head and walked over to Sabo who was waiting by the closet door. "I believe these belong to you~" Sabo chuckled softly as he grabbed his goggles from your hand gently pulling you into the closet with him.

Sabo pulled you in wrapping his arms around you as you did as well. He brushed your hair out your face and tucked it behind your ear. Your face turned a soft shade of red as you smiled up at the blonde. "May I?" You nodded as Sabo softly placed his lips onto yours. The kiss quickly escalated and became a passionate kiss. Sabo lifted you up and wrapped your legs around your waist.

You had been secretly dating Sabo for a while now and you were glad you pulled out his goggles or else you've freaked out if someone else did. You wrapped your arms around Sabo's neck as he softly placed you against the wall. He pulled away as he slowly kissed down your neck and softly sucked on your skin.

You moaned softly griping onto his hair as he marked your skin. His hand gently rubbed your clothed heat. "S-Sabo please..."

The blonde smirked as he slipped his fingers past your underwear gently creating circles with his fingers on your cunt. He instantly pulled away when he heard a sound from outside.

The door swung open. Nami giggling as Ace took a picture and ran away. "Oh what's this?! Marking territories are we now, Sabo?" Nami smirked as you placed your hand over your new mark. You and Sabo blushing as you both hurried out the door and sat at his table. Sabo tugging on Ace's arm yelling at him to delete the photo. "Sabo it's okay don't worry about it."
Sabo sighed as he placed his arm around your shoulder.

"We should continue this upstairs." Sabo whispered into your ear. You blushed heavily and nodded. "After the party, okay?" Sabo chuckled softly "Deal."

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