Fire Cracker

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"Why?! Why him?!" You groaned holding the popping fire cracker in your hand

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"Why?! Why him?!" You groaned holding the popping fire cracker in your hand. The end on the tip of your pointer finger and thumb. How the fire cracker was still going off even after being buried under a pile of stuff you had no idea. Nor how it hasn't set anything on fire. That simply baffled you.

Nami giggled at your misery. "Oh c'mon he can't be that bad!"

Your left eye twitched slightly. "Nami. He's a Charlotte!"

Nami blinked her chocolate brown eyes a bit. "Oh yeah you're right..." She trailed off.

You sighed lazily lifting yourself from your chair. You walked towards the large table that the Charlotte family sat at. They were all busy digging into the dessert and talking amongst each other to notice little old you.

Katakuri turned his gaze towards you. "You got Cracker if I'm not mistaken."

"I- yeah I did." You stuttered a bit. Compared to Katakuri you were like a toy doll standing next to it's fully grown human. The burgundy haired male called for his younger brother's attention.

The purplenette hair was tied up into a single low ponytail. He smirked once he saw his precious fire cracker in your small hand. Licking his lips and gazing at you with lustful eyes he got up from his chair. He was the same or around the same height as Doflamingo. You cranked your head up to look at him. Your half lidded eyes showed how uninterested you were in the man.

"Here." You handed over his fire cracker but he shook his head pushing your hand back.

"Hold on to it for me." He said leading the way towards the closet. You eyed Nami and Robin who both gave you thumbs up in encouragement. Smiling softly at your friends you continued to follow the tenth son of Charlotte.

He opened the door for you and you walked in feeling his gaze on you at all times. You heard the door shut close and his looming figure toward over you. His lower chest pressed against your back.

You tilted your head up, his pink irises meeting with your e/c irises. He large rough and calloused hand gently removed the stray hairs from your face.

"Why must you act like you don't like me?" He asked softly.

"I don't want to like you.."

"Why? Because I'm a Charlotte?"

"I don't want to get hurt.."

"Y/n. I sworn to you. Assured you many times that I would never ever hurt you."

"Actions speak louder than words, Cracker."

He turned you around, lifting you up from the ground. On instinct your arms wrapped around his neck. Your legs around his waist. His fire cracker held tightly in your fist. Your free hand clutching his lavender locks. Your eyes traced the large scar on the right side of his face. His own tracing the beautiful features of your lovely face.

Who would've thought that the merciless sweet commander could feel a thing such as love. Sure he loved his siblings and mother but this was something new. Somehow, someway the commander had fallen deeply in love with you just like you of him.

He slowly leaned into your face, his breath fanning over your lips and his eyes bore into yours waiting for a sign. You leaned in closer towards him closing the gap. He slowly began to dominate the kiss, clutching onto h/c locks while his other arms held tightly onto your waist.

Your hand slid down from his neck to his muscular chest, the fire cracker in the other burning brightly in your other hand. The sounds of popping and soft moans filled the closet.

His lips latched onto your neck and your nails dug a bit into his soft flesh. He hissed a bit, having low pain tolerance but he was willing to go through any pain just for you. The feeling of his warm tongue licking over the wound on your neck sent a chill down your spine and once again you began to kiss the Charlotte man.

Nami and Robin stood outside the door contemplating whether to open the door or not.

"Should we?" Nami asked nervously.

"We have to." Robin responded. Nami groaned reaching her hand out to knock first.

"Times up you guys!" She slowly opened the door to see you and Cracker still kissing. Totally not what she had imagined to see. After the way you complained about the man she was sure you would've killed him with his own fire cracker.

Robin giggled at Nami stunned face.

"Alright you two, times up." Robin announced.

Your face turn bright shades of crimson red. Nodding your head as you hid your face in Cracker neck. The sweet commander smirked as he carried you out the closet. Holding you tightly and close to him as if he was afraid you would run away from him.

Katakuri eyed his younger brother and then you. Under his scarf he was smiling a bit. He was happy for his younger brother. His family is everything to him and seeing his younger brother happy made him happy.

The way Cracker held you and looked at you, Katakuri could tell that the man was completely smitten by you.

"Be my wife, Y/n." Cracker whispered into your ear. Your eyes widen as your e/c eyes looked up at his pink ones.

"Woah there we're moving a little too quick aren't we?"

Cracker shrugged his shoulders as he sat back down in his chair. You sat comfortably on his lap. He leaned back cupping your face with his large hand.

"Mama will demand that we get married as soon as possible."

You sighed leaning your face into his warm hand. "You have a point...fine I'll be your wife."

Leaning forward he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "You're stuck with me forever."

You rolled your eyes. "Wouldn't want it any other way."


Kinda wanna write a Cracker x reader story now not sure yet 😭

But omg I love this man so much!!! 🥹🫶🏽

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