A Clown's Hat

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"No way, are you insane?!" Alvida coughed out her drink giving you a wild look. The girls at the table were naming who the hottest guy was and who they hoped to get for their heavenly seven minutes. When suddenly you said you wanted Buggy.

You shrugged. "I find him attractive."

Ulti rolled her eyes as she leaned over towards Alvida. "She likes older men."

Alvida scoffed. "I understand that but Buggy? Seriously?"

Vivi chuckled. "You don't like him because he's your boss, Alvida. Everyone has different tastes."

Alvida swallowed down her drink before pointing at you. "No I'm just concern about her taste. Who in their right mind would choose the clown over Shanks and Mihawk?!"

You rolled your eyes. "I would. Now where's Nami I believe it's my turn."

"Here!" Nami rushed over and placed the bag in front of you. You crossed your fingers behind your back as you reached in. And as luck would have it. You pulled out Buggy's pirate hat.

Alvida started to lose it and her chuckles turned into hysterical laughter. She had place her wine glass down just to keep herself from falling off her chair. Ulti looked at her weirdly while Vivi helped the woman sit up straight.

Nami's lips pressed into a thin line since she hated Buggy but knew that you liked him. She decided to stay quiet on the matter and went to search for Buggy.

You followed behind her as you both spotted him arguing with a smiling Shanks.

"You owe me a treasure map!" He snapped. Shanks only dismissed him and looked over at you and Nami. He saw Buggy's hat and then looked at you.

"Well well looks like you get solo time with the birthday girl, Buggy." Shanks chuckled.

"What?" Buggy snapped before turning to look at you. His eyes were practically popping out his skull when he noticed that you had his hat.

Nami rolled her eyes and kicked his chair. "Move it! I still have more people to pair up!"

He glared at her before turning back to you. You smiled softly and handed him his hat which he thanked you for and placed it on the table.

"Shall we?" You asked him.

He nodded his head slightly and followed you over to the closet. Nami had then closed the door after you and Buggy were inside and began her timer for seven minutes.

You were unsure how to go about it and get Buggy to kiss you. The man was standing a few feet away from you looking around nervously.


He snapped his head in your direction immediately and you chuckled. "I think this is the part where you kiss me."

"You actually want me to?" He asked you.

Your eyes widen. Did he think that you didn't? All those hints that you've given him? Did he not notice them?

"Of course, Buggy. Why wouldn't I?"

He was stunned. "Alvida said you would never find me attractive."

You were killing Alvida after this. You sighed as you stepped closer to him. Your head tilted slightly and you smiled softly.

"Well she was wrong." You leaned closer to him and his lips pressed against yours firmly. You never knew what it was that attracted you to the man. There was just something about him that made him attractive. Of course you did have a thing for older men but Buggy was different. He was actually really attractive.

You pulled him even closer as your simple kiss turned heated. His hands land on your waist and you both fought for dominance. He was convinced that you wanted him as badly as he wanted you.

"Alright that's enough both of you out!" Alvida snapped her fingers trying hard not to cringe at what she had just witnessed. She loved you dearly so she decided to put her dislike for Buggy aside just for you. But you two were making it impossible.

"Her room is the one next to the pink door at the end of the hall. Have fun." She gave Buggy a fake smile before slamming the door shut after you two had walked out.

Nami rolled her eyes then winked at you. "Have fun."

You chuckled before smirking slyly at Buggy. "Oh we will."

At this point Buggy's face was redder than his nose but he didn't need to know that.

A/N: Paramount War Buggy and Jeff Ward Buggy just hit different 😫😮‍💨

So sorry if this is bad! 😭

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