Germa Sunglasses

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You laughed along with the rest of the straw hat crew minus Nami who was busy hooking people up with her little game. Nami popped up next to you causing you to choke on your drink. "Nami! Where the hell did you come from?!"

Nami giggled "I've been here the whole timeeee now c'mon y/n it's your turn!" You chuckled softly "alright alright." The table watched as you pulled out a pair of glasses from the bag. "Uh oh." You look over at Sanji who pointed to the table next to him.

Your eyes widen as you connected the dots. The glasses belonged to Sanji older brother, Ichiji! Your face turn bright red. "Ichijiiiii It's your turn with Y/n!!!" Nami giggled as she used her elbow to poke at your arm. You got up as Ichiji got up and handed him his glasses.

You slowly walked towards the closet as Ichiji followed behind smirking. You walked inside quickly sitting on a box crossing your legs as Ichiji closed the door behind him. Crossing his arms staring down at your small form.

You shifted nervously as you fixed your tight red dress. "You know Red is my favorite color." You looked up nervously at the smirking Red head.

"I Can tell..." you chuckled nervously. Ichiji stepped forward causing you to back up until your back hit the closet wall.

His smirk never leaving his face as he leans down placing his soft lips onto yours roughly. You let out a soft moan wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands hungrily exploring your body. Pressing his body against yours. You let out a ragged breath as you felt his bulge press against your heated area.

"I-Ichiji..." You moaned softly hiding your face in the crook of his neck giving his exposed skin small kisses.

You both turned towards the door when it slowly opened. Nami blushed as she placed herself in front of any peaking guest. "Oh wow you two went in! Y/n room is the one with the (f/c) door you can't miss it." She winked at you. Ichiji smirked as he pulled you away hurrying up the stairs. "N-Nami!" You stuttered slightly embarrassed as all your guest watched you and whistled. "Have fun you two!" She waved.

You had one hell of a good time with the heartless Vinsmoke 😉

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