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"For the last time giraffes are awesome. I love giraffes." Kaku stated with full on seriousness. Of course Jabra and Fukurou were snickering and whispering amongst themselves.

You chuckled nervously before turning your head towards Lucci. An incredulous look on your face. Was Kaku serious or what he just saying that because of his devil fruit.

Lucci barely spared you a glance before picking up his glass of Brandy. "I wasn't expecting you to actually join us tonight."

You laid your elbows on the table leaning closer towards Lucci. Your palms supporting your chin up as you stared at the tall man. "It's my birthday. I can do what I want. Besides you're the one who said you needed to speak to me."

Kaku watched as you scooted closer to his best friend. A pang in his heart and he began to panic. Lucci knew that his best friend had a crush on you. So why was he so close to you right now. Why would you be sitting with them when you could've been sitting with your girl friends.

Did Lucci ask you to seat with them? Was that it? Was he trying to make a pass at you? No. Lucci wasn't like that. He wouldn't do that to his best friend. Kaku settled himself on the idea that maybe Lucci was just trying to help but still he didn't like the way you were sitting so closely to Lucci.

You hummed, raising a brow at the man next to you. "So?"

His bird Hattori tilted his head side ways as he stared at you. Lucci sighed as he finally leaned closer to you. "Kaku has feelings for you."

Your face instantly flushed. You weren't expecting that at all. Your eyes widen as you turn to look at Kaku who had immediately looked away with a faint blush on his cheeks. Cute.

"Y/n! It's your turn to pick!" Nami rushed over and held out her bag towards you. Kaku watched intently as you reached into the bag and took your time before finally picking something up.

"Oh! Y/n and Kaku!" Nami giggled as she urged you two to head over to the closet. You glanced back at Lucci who raised up his cup and you rolled your eyes before following after Kaku.

You thanked him as he opened the door and allowed you to head in first. You still held onto his black cap and waited for him to close the door behind him.

Shit. How was he supposed to make a move?! What did Lucci even say to you? He saw the blush on your face. It was evident that whatever it was left you flustered.

"Kaku?" You called out to him.

"Yeah?" He answered as he stepped closer towards you.

You closed the distance between you two and placed his cap back on his head for him. You giggled at how easily flustered he got. So Lucci wasn't kidding. Kaku does indeed have feelings for you.

You hummed as you played with the zipper of his jacket. "A lil cat told me that you have feelings for that true?" You cooed, your eyes grew heavy and he couldn't help but feel his knees go weak with how beautiful you looked. So Lucci did in fact help him out.

"Yes it's true. I have for a very long time." He admitted. He brushed the stray hairs away from your face and tucked them behind your ear. Your face burning hot as you stared at him. His smile grew wide and almost mischievous.

C'mon now! You were the one who was supposed to make him flustered not the other way around. Now you were the one that was flustered. Heat pooled into your core as you rubbed your bare thighs together. Oh for crying out loud!

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

You smiled nodding your head, he immediately wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his chest. The kiss was needy and hot. Almost desperate. He had been wanting this for so long. It was evident. His other hand made it way up your leg before grabbing onto your thigh. He lifted your leg up pressing it against his hip as he tilted you back. Your arms wrapped around him and you hummed in satisfaction of the closeness. Your clothed area rubbing slight against his.

Immediately adding to your desperation. You needed this man and you needed him now. Who knew that shy and sweet Kaku could be

Nami knocked at the door and slowly opened it. She was surprised to find you breathing heavily with a bashful expression. Kaku was breathing heavily as well.

"Oh my..." She giggled before telling you two that time was up. You wasted no time and dragged him out with you. Although you didn't return to the party. You had something that needed to be taken care of first and Kaku was more than willing to help you with that as long as you helped him.

"They're going to fuck aren't they?" Jabra asked with a sour expression on his face.

Lucci and Stussy gave each other a look. They didn't think it would go that far.

"I had no idea you were such an excellent wingman." Stussy chuckled to herself.

Lucci sighed as he picked up his glass again. "Neither did I."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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