Germa Headphones

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"C'mon pick already!" Nami whined as you shuffled your hand through the countless items in her bag. You frowned at the orangette finally picking something out. "There happy?!"

"Yes now lets see... Oh you got Yonji."

"Huh?!" Your eyes widen at the object in your hands. Headphones with the number 66 on either side. You groaned banging your head against the table. "Why him?!"

You and Yonji have hated each other for who knows how long. The fact that the greenette was a your birthday party irritated you but now you had to spend your precious seven minutes with the rude Vinsmoke.

You got up throwing the headphones at the owner. "Let's go sour apple the sooner we get this done the better."

He growled rubbing the back of his head muttering. "Bitch."

He closed the closet door behind him watching as you sat far away from him on the floor. He leaned against the door arms crossed.

"I would've preferred to have either of your brothers but I guess you'll do for now." You hissed. Yes even if Ichiji and Niji were just as rude as Yonji they didn't treat you shitty like Yonji did. Always picking on you and doing anything to piss you off.

"Oh so you would prefer my older brothers? Including Sanji?"

"Especially Sanji! Now that's a real man right there." You smirked watching his face twitch in anger. He came closer towards you and you slightly scooted away watching him. He placed his hands on either side of you licking his lips.

"A real man? That failure?"

"He's not a failure."

He scoffed. "Sure whatever. Why would you want to be with a failure when there's someone like me."

You let out a laugh clutching your stomach. "Oh my thats a good one! Please me and you?!"

"Why not." He leaned in and his lips graced over yours lightly. You felt goosebumps as you locked eyes with the greenette. "I can be just as much of a man as you say Sanji is."

You bit your lip leaning closer. "Oh yeah? Prove it." His lips crashed against yours and his arms wrapped around your waist as you both hungrily made out. His tongue pushing against yours battling over dominance.

Your arms clutched onto his green lock pushing him against you. You felt your heat pulse as his crotch rub against it teasingly.

The door slammed open and you could hear a gasp coming from Nami. "Not what I was expecting but this is even better!"

You pushed Yonji off of you and made your way out the closet. "See me after the party is over sour apple or don't that's up to you." You winked at the greenette dragging Nami away.

His heart shaped eyes followed your figure. Oh he certainly was going to see you after. That he was going to make sure of.

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