A Red Head's Goggles

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"Stop being such a wuss and go tell him already!" Your best friend Ace playfully pushed your arm trying to encourage you to get up and confess to none other than Eustass Kid. You shook your head quickly feeling all your confidence vanish. Even with the large amount of alcohol in your system you still didn't have the guts to tell him.

"No I think I'm good!" You brought your cigar to your lips before letting the cancer air out your mouth. Ace slapped his forehead letting out a groan. For as long as he could remember you always chicken out when told to go confess to the brute. You talked big game till you would be dared to actually confess.

You turned to the sound of his loud laughter filling your ears. Your eyes narrowed at the sight of some females sitting around the man and his best friend, Killer trying to win over his attention.

"Fuck This. Where's Nami?! I think it's my turn." You snapped looking around for the ginger. You were boiling in jealousy. You needed to get out the room asap.

"I'm right here!" Nami popped up next to you giving you a cheeky smiled. You jumped from your seat a bit shaken at the sight of her appearing from out of thin air.

"Perfect!" You quickly shoved your hand into her bag and pulled out the first thing your finger tips touched.

"Uh?" You raised a brow at the goggles that now sat on your lap. Memory trying to come to you as you looked at the familiar goggles dumbfounded.

Ace and Nami smirking devilishly. They immediately figured out who goggles they were. Nami did not wait for you to connect the dots and called out for the owner.

"Kid! You're up next with Y/n!" Her Cheshire grin grew wider at the sight of your face. Your face flushed red, eyes wide as you clutched onto Kid goggles.

"I-I got Kid?!" You stumbled over your words. Oh lucky you. Lady Luck decided you bless you today of all days.

"Oi short stack! Hurry it up!" Kid called out to you, leaning against the closet door with his arms crossed over his chest. The girls who were trying to get his attention the entire night glared at you with envy as you quickly made your way towards the red head.

He licked his red tinted lips, his amber eyes filled with lust as they roamed your figure. You handed him his goggles before entering the closet. You heard the door slam shut causing you to jump a bit.

You felt his arms wrap around your body. His flesh hand wrapped around your neck lifting your head up. Your back pressed against his muscular chest. Body pressed against body. Your eyes widen at the feeling of a growing bulge rubbing against your ass.

You moaned softly at the feeling. It was surreal to you. The feeling of having Kid so close with his hand wrapped around your small neck. The way he had you positioned and the lust in his eyes as you both stared at each other.

He warm breath fanned your face as he leaned in to capture your lips with his. The desire he had be holding back for so long released in this one long passionate male out session. His hands landed on your hips twirling you around to face him.

Your arms now wrapped around his neck pulling away to take in some much need air. He sucked on your soft skin as your head fell back giving him more access to your neck.

One hand clutching his red locks while the other cupped his cheek to bring him in for another kiss. A thick string of saliva appeared as you both pulled away.

He rested his forehead against yours, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist so that your body was pressed against his.

"Happy birthday, short stack. I love you." He confessed.

Your eyes widen at the confession, cheeks biting red. "I love you too."

He grinned, about to pull you in for another kiss when the door slammed open. Nami and Ace jaw fell agape at the sight. The closeness of you and Kid could only mean one thing. You finally confessed.

Kid glared at the duo pulling you along with him. He wasn't done with you just yet, without giving you a chance to talk to Ace and Nami. You waved at them smiling brightly.

"THATS MY BESTIE!" Ace hollered earning the gaze of everyone in the room. The girls that wanted Kid's attention glaring at you, jealousy written all over their faces. Killer, Heat and Wire hollering in excitement. Their leader finally confessed.

"Don't worry the fun is about to begin." He whispered softly into your ear before kissing your cheek softly.

Yep. Best birthday ever.



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