Empty Sake Bottle

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"Cheers!" Your table clanked their drinks together in celebration for your birthday. You giggled softly bringing the liquor to your lips taking a good chug of it.

Your face crunched up feeling the burning sensation down your throat. Your stomach burning slightly.

"Another one!" Zoro called out which everyone agreed to. Soon Nami popped up next to you holding out the black bag in her hands towards you.

"You're turn birthday girl!" She giggled watching you roll your eyes and reach into the bag. You felt someone smooth under your finger tips and took hold of the object. A empty sake bottle?

"Shanks you're up! You lucky girl!" Nami ushered you to head towards the closet. Your cheeks burning bright red. You got Shanks! The handsomest man in all of Grand Line!

"After you~." Shanks gestured you to head in first giving you his signature smile. It made your knees weaken as you stumbled into the closet.

"Oh!" You felt an arm wrap around you preventing you from falling face first onto the closet floor. Your back pressed against a broad chest. Immediately you felt your heart explode and your entire face was red as a tomato.

You heard the door close as Shanks leaned into your ear. "Careful now wouldn't want you to ruin that pretty face of yours~"

This sent a pleasant shiver down your spine as you unconsciously leaned back further into his chest. His warm breath had a hint of liquor as his lips traced delicately over your collarbone. His hands slowly wondering down your body rest at your hip as he pulled you in closer.

Your hand trailed up his white button up feeling the form of his abs and muscular chest. The six foot six tall man was built! A Grecian God.

He placed delicate soft kisses on your exposed skin as on of his hands grabs your jaw turning your face to meet with his.

Lips crashing against each other in a passionate make up session. Turning your body fully as you wrapped your arms around his neck clutching his red hair pulling him in closer.

You were living a dream even if it was for seven minutes. You had always had a crush on the red haired man but never had the guts to tell him but now you felt confident enough to tell him. Maybe it's the liquor talking or the raging hormones you didn't know all you knew is that you wanted to confess.

You pulled away panting as you kept your eyes on his. He licked his lips giving you a soft smile.

"I like you, Shanks." There you did it. You confessed. He chuckled softly cupping your cheek pulling back in for another kiss. "I like you too, y/n."

That's all you ever wanted to hear from the man. You immediately crash your lips with his again not wanting to ever stop but of course time had to be up.

Nami opened the door with wide eyes. You and Shanks were still going at it not bothered by the orangette.

"Well damn you guys! If you guys want to continue Y/n room is the black door to the right."

That's all Shanks needed to hear as he pulled you out of the closet and head straight for your room. Your face turn red as the guest whispered amongst each other. Nami only making the matter worse.

"You lucky girl! Keep it quiet now you two!"

A/N: Oh my god Shanks is just 😩😩😩 anyways let's pretend he has both arms. Okay? Okay. 😃

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