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You sighed as you looked over a Crocodile. You two had broken up a few weeks prior to your birthday but of course he was here. Crocodile was talking to a few beautiful women which bother the hell out of you.

You shook your head. "We broke up why the hell should I even care!" You watched as Nami made her way towards you. "Y/n it's your turn!" You smirked. 'If he sees me going in with another man I'm sure he'll get jealous!'

Nami held the bag in front of you. You reached in and quickly pulled out the first thing you touch. You held it in the air. Your eyes widen as your smile left your face. You had a box of cigars in your hand. Not just any cigars. These were Crocodile's cigars!

You slowly put your hand down and face palm yourself. "Great so much for trying to make him jealous." You sighed as you got up and headed towards the closet. Nami waved over at crocodile. "It's your turn crocodile!" Crocodile glanced over at you and grinned.

He got up and walked towards you. You crossed your arms as you used your hand to give him his cigars. "Let's get this over with." You rolled your eyes as you walked into the closet.

Crocodile closed the door behind him. You looked up at the man who was still grinning. "What are you grinning at?"

Crocodile chuckled as he placed his hand on your cheek.

You slapped his hand away and turned away from the man. Tears began to form in your eyes. You weren't going to admit it but you missed him. You still loved him.

Crocodile's grin never leaving his face as he pulled you towards him. He used his hook to safely turn your face towards his.

"I've missed you..." Your eyes widen as his lips crashed down onto yours. You pulled him in closer. Your hands explored his body as he held you close.

Your kiss was a passionate one. Filled with hunger and love. You moaned softly into his mouth. He placed his hand on your boobs and squeezed a bit before trailing down to your ass.

You pulled away as a trail of saliva connect the two of you. You licked your lips as you looked up at the man. His eyes full of love and lust. He still held his signature grin.

You smiled as you hugged him. "I missed you too Crocy!" He hugged you tightly and kissed your neck. Nami swung the door open and smiled. "Finally y'all are back together!" Crocodile chuckled as he placed his arm around your waist and lead you out the closet.

The whole night you couldn't keep your hands off of Crocodile and in bed as well. 😉

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