Germa Goggles

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"Oh fuck off you damn blue raspberry flavored Vinsmoke!" You gritted your teeth as you fought with your heartless ex boyfriend. The bluenette smirked in amusement. He loved getting a reaction out of you and you were giving him what he wanted.

"That's enough you two! Now Y/n it's your turn to choose!" You glanced up at Nami letting out a sigh as you reached into the bag pulling out the first thing you touch. "You got to be kidding me!" You groaned as you threw Niji glasses back at him. "C'mon Blueberry let's get this shit over with." You fix up your tight dress a bit heading towards the closet. Niji licked his lips as he watched your figure from behind.

"Stop looking you idiot!" You growled quickly walking inside the closet and turning to face the bluenette. He quickly shut the door behind him. You cross your arms over your chest leaning against the wall. Niji placed his hand on either side of you, glancing up at the bluenette you frown. "What?"

Niji chuckled softly leaning into your face his lips teasingly hovered over yours. You narrowed your eyes scuffing. "If you're gonna kis-"

Suddenly Niji pulled you towards him crashing his lips against yours. He aggressively kissed you as his hand explored your body. You let out a moan clutching his blue locks as you both kissed passionately. Niji pulled away to suck on your soft skin his hand traveled down to your panties pushing them to a side as he pumped two fingers into your wet cunt.

You let out a breathy gasp throwing your head back as your grip on his hair grew stronger.

"You're mine." Niji growled into your skin as he sped up his fingers. You nodded weakly. "All yours."

You felt a knot begin to form in your stomach as Niji penetrated your cunt with his long slim fingers. You panted softly crumbling under his burning touch.

He pulled his fingers out causing you to frown. "Why'd yo-"

You were interrupted by the door slamming open. Nami and Sanji eyes grew wide. "Oh you two made up huh..."

You shy nodded as Niji pulled you out of the closet and headed straight for your room. A birthday to remember indeed.

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