Fluffy Hat

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Nami yawned as she held out the bag to you. "Your turn y/n~" You smile softly at the drunk girl and reached into the bag pulling out something soft. Nami blinked rapidly as a smirk painted her face. "Oh Lawwwww you're up with y/n!!" You watch as the tired looking man slowly got up and headed towards the closet. You blushed softly as you followed behind.

Law leaned against the closet wall and closed his eyes as you close the door behind you. You lean on the opposite wall and look down.

"So?" You look at Law and blink. "So what?" Giving him a confused look he sighs and walks up to you. He closes the gap between you two causing you to close your eyes and face away from him.

He gently places his hand under your chin and makes you face him. He chuckles a bit before slowly kissing your lips. Your eyes open wide as you look at the man in shook. You then close your eyes and fall into the kiss.

His hands move down your body and he gives your ass a squeeze making you gasp. He slides his tongue in your mouth dancing around with yours. You moan softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him even closer.

His hands never leaving your ass as you two passionately kiss for the duration of your time together. You bite his bottom lip softly as you pulled away. "Wow..." You giggled. Law smirked as he pulled you in again. He was about to kiss you again when the door swung open.

Nami gasped as she looked at you two. "Law!!! I always took you for the shy type guess not!" You giggled as you watched Laws cheeks turn rosy red. "Out now you two!" You walked out pulling Law alongside you and headed over to his table with him. Law covered his face with his hat the entire walk.

'So cute!' You thought as you giggled. "Wanna continue after everyone leaves Law~" He looks at you and smirks. "Of course." This was definitely the best birthday ever. 😉

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