Golden Chain Belt

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You rested your right cheek in the palm of your hand yawing, slowly drifting off. Suddenly a loud bang on your table caused you to shoot up. Your eyes widen and your heart beating fast, glaring at the orangette who was smirking.

"It's your turn Y/n~" Nami giggled bringing the black bag closer to you. You rolled your eyes reaching in and pulling out whatever you touched first. You weren't interested in playing the game the only reason you played was because you couldn't resist Nami puppy eyes. Curse the damn money loving woman and her ways.

You yawned once more pulling out the object. Your eyes widen and all the drowsiness you were feeling was now long gone. Forgotten. You rub your finger over the golden chain belt in your hands, a faint red tint painted your cheeks. Nami sly smirk grew.

"MARCO! YOU'RE UP! YOUR TURN WITH Y/N!" She shouted waving the bored blonde over. His half lidded eyes widen a bit and he smirked walking over to the closet. You quickly followed behind the blonde. Your heart racing in excitement.

Only Nami knew of your huge crush on the blonde. "Have fun you two!" She called out.

You rolled your eyes closing the door behind you. "Here you go, Marco I'm sure you would like this back." You handed him his belt. His hand brushed over yours lightly causing your cheeks to grow redder and his smirk to grow.

"Thank you but..." He took a hold of your wrist pulling you into his chest. His other hand laid under your chin, your face flustered even further as you both make eye contact.

"I would prefer to have you instead." His leans in teasingly gracing his lips over yours. The torture this man was putting you through by teasing you.

It frustrated you, you leaned in closer only for him pull away. His cocky smirk began to irritated you, your jaw clenched as you glared at the man.

Fuck it. You used your free hand to pull him in, smashing lips against his soft warm lips. His tired eyes widen at your bold attempt. He soon falls into the kiss. The hunger and lust was clearly evident.

His hands roamed your body lightly tapping your leg and you jumped up wrapping your legs around his waist as he placed you against the wall. His lips traced down your jaw to your neck and his free hand roamed down to your clothed heat.

He glanced up asking for permission and you quickly granted him that pulling him in for another kiss as his warm hand travel through your panties slowly rubbing your clit.

You moaned softly into the kiss gripping onto the man as he pleasured you. He placed on last kiss pulling away leaving you flustered and unsatisfied. He licked the juices off his fingers leaning against the opposite wall.

The door swung open startling you. How did he know?! Was he timing it?! Nami pouted looking disappointed to have not found you two in the middle of something. "Huh I guess you didn't have it in you.." Nami glanced over at you before leaving.

You rolled your eyes pushing yourself off the wall and out the closet. You felt someone grab your wrist dragging you away from the party. "Let's go finish what we started." He smooth tired voice sent chills down your spine and you nodded letting him drag you away.

A/N: Marco is top tier for me !!🧎🏽‍♀️

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