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"C'mon Y/n pick already!" Nami huffed impatiently. You held your hand out chugging down the last of your drink. "Fine!"

She squealed bringing the bag towards you and you sighed reaching in. Your chin plopped onto your palm looking the opposite direction of the bag. You felt something cold and hard and quickly pulled it out. A lighter?

Your brows raise up in curiosity. "Uh?"

"You got Sanji!"

Oh? OH! You got the kind brother! Thank the heavens. You quickly got up and sped off to the closet.

"Wait for me Y/n-channnnn!" Sanji ran after you, hearts in his eyes and you glanced over seeing his brother gritting their teeth in frustration. You smirked waiting on Sanji to catch up.

"Here you go, Sanji-san." You wink at the blonde handing his lighter. Blood ran down his nose and you giggled pulling him into the closet. He closed the door behind him as he stumbled in.

You gently took his cigarette from his mouth taking a hit yourself. You blew the cancer flavored air into his face. His face was red and his heart eyes grew bigger. "We got seven minutes Sanji-san let's make the most of it, okay?"

He quickly nodded reaching over to wrap his arms around your waist looking into your eyes as if he was asking for permission. You nodded. "Go ahead."

Soon you were in his hold, his arms held you tightly around your waist bringing you to his muscular chest. You blushed as he leaned into your face softly placing a loving kiss on your lips.

You regained your confidence wrapping your arms around his neck as you intensified the kiss. A gentle soft kiss soon turned into a full out make out session. You rubbed your clothed heat against his crotch earning a groan from the blonde.

You desperately needed to feel his body against yours but soon that all came to an end when the door slammed open. You pulled away from Sanji looking over at Nami and Niji?! What the hell?!

"Well, well seems the failure actually did something right for once." Niji snickered earning himself a head swat from Nami. "Shut it! Now out you two!"

Sanji gently took your hand and lead you out the door. "Let's go up stairs~" You whispered softly into his ear sending a pleasant chill down his spine. Soon enough his nose began to bleed again.

What a night to remember. 😉


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