A Mayor's Mouse

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"What the hell are you wearing?!" Paulie was freaking out over your short dress which caused you to roll your eyes.

"Oh shut up it's my birthday I can wear what I want." You flicked his forehead. He glared at you as he rubbed the redden skin and grumbled a few incoherent words.

Kaku chuckled nervously as he watched you and Paulie go back and forth about your dress. "It's not that serious, Paulie. Y/n can dress however she wants."

Paulie snapped his head towards Kaku. "Don't you see how much skin she's showing?"

Kalifa chuckled. "She looks sexy and gorgeous. Don't listen to him, Y/n."

You gave Kaku and Kalifa a thankful smile before turning to Paulie and playfully sticking out your tongue.

Kalifa leaned over and whispered in your ear. "So what's your plan to get Iceburg?"

You shrugged as you cupped your hand over her ear. "I'm not sure. I saw him put Tyrannosaurus in the bag so I thought I would just look for the little fella. I mean no one has screamed that they found a mouse yet."

She nodded in agreement. "Good luck."


Nami finally made her way over and smiled mischievously. "Your turn, Future Mrs Mayor."

Your face flushed and you playful slapped her wrist. "Shush Nami! He could hear you!"

"Oh please he's across the room with Franky! He can't hear me!"

You rolled your eyes as you reached into the bag. Your hands touched around until you felt something or someone run past your hand. You reached for him again and gently took hold of him.

"Got ya! Hey Tyrannosaurus. Let's get you back to Iceburg shall we?"

The little white mouse squeak and hid in your clothing as you and Nami walked over towards Iceburg.

"I didn't see him put his mouse in the bag! I'm shocked no one noticed him." Nami said

You shrugged. "He's an excellent hider."

"Iceburg! It's your turn with Y/n!"

The indigo haired man stopped his conversation with Franky and excused himself quickly. Nami sent you a wink before walking off to match up the next couple.

As you walked past your table you could see Paulie grumbling while Kalifa mouthed a good luck to you. You've been trying for so long to get Iceburg attention and you were hoping this time he would catch the hint.

Once you both were in the closet you handed him back his mouse. Placing him securely in Iceburg's chest pocket.

"Thank you, Y/n." He thanked you.

You looked up at him noticing how close you two were. You smiled softly at him. "You're Welcome, Iceburg-San."

"Oh drop the honorifics, Y/n. We're not working together at the moment we're celebrating your birthday." He said.

You chuckled. "Sorry, force of habit."

He let out a light chuckle as he gently placed his hand under your chin. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." You tried your best to keep your composure but the closeness between you two was making it harder.

"Would you mind if I kiss you?" He asked.

You were stunned for a moment but quickly answered him. "No I wouldn't mind one bit."

He pulled you even closer, his lips crashed into yours with much hunger and desperation. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he slowly dipped you without breaking the kiss. He grabbed one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist. While his other hand reached under your dress and traveling up towards your panties.

It felt like he had so much pent up urge and he knew you did too with the way you kissed him. Letting out breathy moans and groans the two of you could've done it then and there if the door didn't open.

He was about to pull your panties down when Nami slowly opened the door. Her face flushed at the sight of you and Iceburg. Your lipstick smudged and his lips now painted red.

Her eyes traveled down to his hand placement and her jaw dropped. "Okay you two out! Save this for after everyone leaves please!"

You rolled your eyes and walked slowly behind Iceburg. Once both of you were out you turned him towards you and rubbed your thumb over his lips.

"Sorry my lipstick isn't smudge proof." You apologized.

He took your hand gently and smiled. "Don't worry I don't mind it."

You returned a soft smile and watched him walk over back to Franky after promising to meet with you after everyone left.

Kalifa gave you a smirk and you knew you would hear the end of her teasing from now on.

A/N: Double Update!!!

Iceburg had me weak in the knees when I first saw him 😮‍💨

Up Next: Kaku, X Drake, Hawkins and Koby! Stay tuned!

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