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Letting out a frustrated groan you leaned against Zoro muscular arm

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Letting out a frustrated groan you leaned against Zoro muscular arm. The greenette raised a brow as his eyes directed themselves to look down at you.

"What's wrong birthday girl? Not having fun?" He asked before chugging down a bottle of sake. You shook your head in response straightening your posture.

"It's just! Look!" You held your hand in the direction of Eustass Kid table. "No matter how many hints I throw at Killer he just won't budge!"

The mention blonde was busy talking to all the beautiful girls surrounding the table of Eustass Kidd. Though in Zoro eyes the blonde seemed bored and uninterested.

The swordsman chuckled. "Well maybe you should start being straightforward with him."

You blushed, maybe you should start being straightforward with the masked man. "Fine!"

"Y/n!! It's your turn!" Nami announced. Oh. You had forgotten about the little game Nami had insisted you all play.

Sighing you reached your hand in taking hold of the first thing you grabbed. Eyes widening, looking at the blue and white stripped mask in your hands. Huh?! You looked between the mask and Killer multiple times now realizing that the blonde male had a face mask covering his mouth area.

How did you not notice?!!

Zoro grinned nudging you a bit, glaring at the swordsman your face turned multiple shades of red. This can't be real! It's all a dream! Yeah, that's what it is! A dream!

"Killer you're up next with Y/n!" Nami called out.

It's not a dream.

Said blonde looked over at you, his cyan blue eyes meeting your e/c eyes. Oh god were you feeling all types of things at the moment. So many emotions and feelings running around in your heart and mind.

You slowly got up from your chair, Zoro whispering to you a "good luck" before you made your way towards the closet door. Killer slowly following behind.

"Oh! Um I think this belongs to you." You slowly reached out his mask towards him as he closed the closet door behind him. The room now dark with only a bit of light coming from the small space below the door.

His warm calloused hands engulfed yours as he took his mask from your hands. Your cheeks bright red and you were thankful that it was dark enough to cover the look on your face or so you thought.

Killer chest rumbled a bit as he let out a soft chuckle, bringing his huge hand towards your warm soft cheek. Eyes widening as you meant his gaze.

"You know you look cute when you blush." His deep voice sent a shiver down your spine as you tilted your head a bit into his hand wanting to remember the warmth he transmitted.

Wait did he say you look cute?! WHEN YOU BLUSH?! If you thought your face couldn't get anymore redder than Eustass, Shanks or Ichiji hair than you thought wrong because it just did.

Your internal panic was ceased when you felt Killer warm breath fan over your neck. When did he get so close?!

"Um Killer?"

"Sorry! You're just so hard to resist.." He whispered the last part but you heard it loud and clear.

"Me?!" You questioned him.

He nodded. "Yes you."

"But I thought..."

"What? That I wasn't interested in you? I've thrown so many hints your way, Y/n!"


"No no no wait! You're the one who didn't respond to my hints!"

His cyan blue eyes bore into yours as he titled your chin up a bit. Of course the man towered over you! He was over the six foot mark!

He lowered his face mask revealing the small scars and his purple tinted lips. He held a soft smile as he leaned in though his eyes waited for you to give him consent. You swallowed thickly nodding your head.

"I responded to every last one of them." He whispered before his lips crashed into yours. Immediately your arms made their way around his neck as his wrapped tightly around your waist and one hand engulfed the back of your head pushing you even closer to the blonde male. Your hands clutched onto his long golden locks as the moment you've been craving for so long was finally yours to live.

Though of course you both had to pull away for air, you panted while he made his way towards your neck, biting and sucking the supple skin. Your head titled back allowing him more access.

He traced kisses up from your neck, to your jaw and finally your lips. A slow sensual kiss shared between you too. Soon the door slammed open revealing a grinning Eustass Kid. Nami peaking behind the large brute with a Cheshire grin on her face.

"You finally told the shrimp how you feel!" He let out a roaring laughing as his best friend clicked his tongue.

"Don't call her that, Kid." Killer took your hand in his leading you out. He apologized for Kid's behavior allowing for you to lead him to your table. Zoro grinned, arms crossed over his chest he lifted one hand up pointing to his own neck while his eyes were on yours.

Your eyes widen as you slapped your hand over your neck in realization. How bad was it?! Did everyone see?!

"Oh sorry but you know..." Killer leaned down closer, his mask in his hands ready to put it on. "That's not the only place I've been dying to mark up."

"Killer!" Your face turned red as you watched the man chuckle softly walking over to Zoro like nothing. You were certainly in for a long night but you didn't mind it. As long as it was with Killer you didn't mind at all.


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