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"C'mon!!!! Pick something already!" Nami whined tapping her feet against the marble floor like a spoiled child being told no for the first time. You rolled your eyes as you kept reaching and letting go of items. It has been five minutes since Nami told you to choose.

"You could've been in that closet already hooking up with someone!" She argued.

"Okay but I don't want to hook up with just anyone!" You countered.

"Just choose already!"


You finally decided on something and pulled out...rope?! Your eyebrows raised in confusion as you looked at Nami. She thought for a moment before letting out a small laugh.

"Paulie you're up!" Nami called out to the blonde who was being pushed by his fellow co-workers from Galley-la.

"I never agreed to this!" His face was a dark shade of red as he tried to get out of playing the game. Iceburg shook his head softly.

"C'mon Paulie it'll be fun."

"Huh?! I want no part in this!"

You rolled your eyes for the hundredth time tonight. Picking yourself up from your seat and taking one last shot of strong liquor (your preference), you made your way towards Paulie. Taking a grip of his shirt and dragging him away. His co-workers cheered while he complained about how short your dress was and how much exposed skin you were showing. You slammed the door to the closet after you pushed him inside. You were already completely fed up with the blonde.

"Have some dignity woman!" He snapped.

"Shut up! This whole night you've been complaining about what I've been wearing! I'm starting to think you might have a little crush on me." You teased.

"I-I..." His turned away from you not wanting to admit anything.

Your eyes widen. "Oh you closet perv! You do don't you?!"

"O-of course not! You temptress!" He stumbled back hitting his back against the wall. You smirked walking up to him. You smiled softly as your finger traced along the stitching of his denim jacket.

"So you find me tempting? You want to kiss me?" You teased.

"Yes... I MEAN NO!" He moved away from you hiding his blushing face. He was a hot mess waiting to explode. So many thoughts ran through his head.

Your eyes widen before you let out a sigh. "It's okay Paulie you can be honest with me... after all I like you."

He snapped his head towards you with wide eyes. "You like me?"

You nodded your head softly, slowly approaching the man. He looked at you with now soft eyes. Who would've thought that a gorgeous breathtaking woman like you could like him. He couldn't believe it yet here you were.

"You're gonna kiss me?" You asked softly. He nodded his head cupping your cheeks in his large rough hands. Bringing you closer to him. It started out soft. A quick peck but soon he found himself diving in for more and more until it became heated. His hands moving from your cheeks to explore your body with your permission of course.

You both stayed that way until Nami swung the door open. Eyes wide and jaw dropped as she watched the scene before her.

"You... you guys are actually making out..." She was still trying to process how the hell you managed to get Paulie to kiss you.

"HUH?!" The entirety of the Galley-La company rushed to take a peak. All blushing at the sight of you and Paulie in a heated make out session.

Iceburg jaw dropped, he wasn't expecting to see this. He had already made his mind up that Paulie would come rushing out screaming about how indecent you looked and to put on some more clothes.

"What the- HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT!" Paulie snapped at the men who cheered him on for finally kissing a girl. They were all so proud of him.

He huffed taking your hand in his as he walked out.  You smiled softly at him looking at his lips. He raised an eyebrow at you.


You pointed at his lips and he looked towards the mirror. His lips were completely stain of your lipstick. His cheek and neck stained with lip marks. His face flushed red and you let out a soft laugh.

"Come on let's get that off of you... I have makeup wipes in my room."

"SHES TAKING HIM UPSTAIRS!" One of the men announced.


You leaned into his ear and whispered. "Oh but it could be..."

You walked away from a stunned Paulie and he quickly followed you upstairs. Who would've thought that you could get the closet pervert tied around your finger so easily.

A/N: Had to show Paulie some love
THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 4K READS! You guys are incredibly! Love y'all!

Suggestions for the next character?!

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