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"Zoro pass me some sake I'm thirsty!" You reached over the table taking a hold of the sake bottle from Zoro's hand. You poured yourself some sake into your small red cup before handing it back to its owner.

"A toast for Y/n making it another year!" Ace cheered.

"Cheers!" Your whole table chanted. You smiled softly as you took a sip of your sake.

"Y/n!!! It's your turn!" Nami rushed over and you nodded your head reaching your hand into the bag and pulling out the first thing you felt.

You raised a brow as you looked at the slingshot in your hand. "Is this Usopp's?"

Nami nodded. Your cheeks flushed red and your heart skipped a beat. Only Nami knew about your crush on the sniper of the straw hat crew. So she made sure to hide the slingshot till it was your turn. You always been way too shy to express your feelings. Always stuttering or turning the other way when you came across the male.

"Usopp!! You're up next with Y/n!" Nami called out to the male who looked surprised.


"Yes you!"

Usopp hurried up from his seat and followed you towards the closet. Nami and Zoro smirking as they watched you two nervously walk in together.

"You did that on purpose didn't you, Nami?" Robin questioned her ginger friend who nodded her head.

"I sure did! I was tired of trying to hook them up."

Robin giggled as she watched. You were practically sweating bullets as you handed Usopp back his slingshot.

"Oh thank you." He spoke softly as he reached for the slingshot.

A moment of awkward silence went by as you both tried to figure out what to say. Your cheeks flushed and you began to play with your hands.

"Hey Usopp?"


"I wanted to tell you something.."

"Really? What is it?" He looked at you curiously as you continued to nervously play with your hands.

Here goes nothing!

"I like you!" You blurted out a little too loud. His eyes widen and soon fell shut as he sniffled a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh sorry! It's just you always run away when you see me and avoid looking at me so I thought you know that you didn't like me."

"Oh no! It wasn't my intention to make it seem that way! I was just always so nervous to speak to you!"

He smiled softly cupping your cheeks in his large warm hands. "You know they say I'm a really good kisser."

You raised a brow as you smirked. "Is that so?"

He nodded leaning in. The kiss started slow and loving and soon turned into a hungry one. Your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him even closer. Hands tangled in his gorgeous hair.

You pulled away slowly and giggled. "Guess it was true... you really are a good kisser."

He chuckled. "See I told you! I never lie!"

You hugged him placing a kiss on his cheek. His hands placed on your waist as you two stood there in the dark closet hugging.

The door slowly opened and Nami smiled in glee. "I knew that would work! You two are so cute!"

You looked at your best friend curiously. "You planned this?"

She nodded. "Well duh! Do you know how tiring it is to get you two together?!"

You rolled your eyes as Usopp reached for your hand and tangled his fingers with yours. "C'mon let's get going."

You smiled at him softly following his out the closet and over to your table. The straw hats all excited to finally see you two together after so long.

A/N: Thank you all so much for more than 2k reads!!! Sorry for not updating sooner😭 work has me on a chokehold

Anyways so I'm planning to write scream inspired stories! One for one piece and one for Tokyo Revengers!!! I'm in my obsessed with Scream era. I'm also writing a ouran high school host club inspired book for Tokyo Revengers! Also the first chapter for Ichiji Vinsmoke is now out!!!

Love y'all thank you for reading!!

-Love, Kagura🫶🏽

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