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You outlined the rim of your wine glass with your index finger as you watched Nami run around with the bag in her hands. Placing your free hand on your cheek you click your tongue. You were bored. Beyond bored. It wasn't even your turn yet and yet you are the birthday girl.

You adjusted the sash and the bottom of your silky tight dress before bringing your hands to your hair and fixing it for the 100th time tonight.

"Y/n it's your turn!" Nami appeared next to you with a giant smile on her face.

"Finally! I was getting bored here!" You playful glared at your best friend as you reached into the bag and grabbed the first thing your hand felt.

A top hat. Not just any hat. It's was Rob Lucci.

"Uh oh." Nami began to sweat. She knew about your dislike for Lucci and how badly you wanted to strangle the man. You clicked your tongue as a grin formed on your lips. Your eye twitching a bit.

"Fucking hell!" You got up and stormed off towards the closet. Your hand clutching the brim of the white top hat.

"Oh! Lucci you're up!" Nami called out to the man as you waited for him in the closet arms crossed over each other. You eyes followed the man as he walked into the closet closing the door behind him.

His pale blue button up strained against his muscles perfectly and his white dress pants and dress shoes complimented his figure perfectly. His long black locks sitting perfectly on his shoulders. His steel grey eyes glaring down at you as you glared back at him.

"My hat."

You raised a brow. "Oh you want this? Come and take it."

He chuckled darkly giving you a smirk before his arm reached around your waist pulling you towards his large chest. Your eyes widen as you looked up at the lustful look in his eyes.

He took his hat from your hands tossing it aside as he leaned into your face. You could feel his warm breath on your lips as he held his gaze on you. You looked at him through half lidded eyes as your hands clutched onto his shirt. Why the hell were you not moving away?! You hated him! Right?! Now you didn't even know.

His lips crashed against yours not giving you a moment to process anything. He was rough yet passionate and you soon kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck clutching onto his black locks. His hands wondered from your hips down to your ass giving your cheeks a harsh squeeze.

You gasped and his tongue made it way in fighting against yours for dominance. He obviously won since you were still shock that the man was literally kissing you.

Soon you both pulled away and a trail of saliva fell down your lip. You panted a bit looking into his steel grey eyes again. You were speechless. The man literally left you speechless.

His hand went under your chin delicately lifting your head up. His hat now placed perfectly on his head.

"You hate me yet look at you now. A blushing mess."

You clicked your tongue pulling away. "Shut up. This was a one time thing."

Soon your heard the door open and you smiled at Nami walking gracefully away from Lucci. His eyes followed your gorgeous figure and he smirked.

"Sure it was."



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