interview with puppies (request)

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thank you for the request @hoemama123455 !!

We all sat on the paper sheet that was purple, me next to Joseph, Joseph next to Natalia, Natalia next to Maya and Maya next to Joe

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We all sat on the paper sheet that was purple, me next to Joseph, Joseph next to Natalia, Natalia next to Maya and Maya next to Joe.

"Hello I'm Y/n I play C/N," I say
"I'm Joseph Quinn I play Eddie Munson," my boyfriend said next
"I'm Maya Hawke I play Robin," Maya said
"my name is Natalia Dyer I play Nancy Wheeler"
"and I'm Joe Kerry and I play steve"
" We are the cast of Stranger Things," we all said

The crew brought the puppies toward us

"let's play with some puppies" Maya spoke

"they are so cuteeeee" I observed

the puppies started to run around and play around. I reached and grabbed a puppy and placed it on my lap. I tapped Joseph

"look" I comment

my boyfriend looked at my lap and noticed the puppy wiggly around, he started patting a dog while slighting sticking his tongue out which he regularly did which I think is the fucking cutest.

the interviewer started to ask a variety of questions to everyone.

"Y/n and Joseph what was it like being the new people to the cast?"

"um it was great, I felt very welcome and everyone is really nice" Joseph answered

"yea, it feels surreal I didn't think that I would get the role and when started filming everyone was really nice" Y/n responded

as more questions were asked Joseph kept on getting ignored by the puppies, I felt bad because all the dogs were going to everyone else. I grabbed one that was playing with my shoelace and placed it in Joseph's lap. He slimed at me and quietly thanked me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Joseph and Y/n what was it like finding each other on the set?"

I slightly laughed "I mean I didn't know that I would meet my future boyfriend but  I'm not mad" I laughed

"yea, I mean like I don't think anyone thinks they will find someone while doing their jobs but I guess we got lucky" he agreed

the interview ended not long after we all said our goodbyes and left our separate ways to our next interviews.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and again thank you to @hoemama123455 for the request.


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