brazillll (request)

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thank you for the request kingstevexx


I sat between Jamie and Joseph; we are now in Brazil conducting interviews for Stranger Things Season 4.

"So, Y/N, how would you describe being in Brazil? the interviewer enquired

I chuckled, "This is my first time here, and it's gorgeous. I might move here."

"It's wonderful to hear that, Jamie and Joseph. How about you two?"He asked.

"I completely agree with Y/N that this country is beautiful", said Joseph

Jamie only remarked "fantastic," which made Joe and I start to chuckle.

We all responded to other questions that were made. "Ok, last question, Y/N, Joseph are you guys together," he concluded.

Looking at me, Joseph remarked, "Yes, ain't I lucky."

I chuckled, "Shut up Joe."

Jamie whined, "I've been third-wheeling all day."
"You've been attempting to steal my boyfriend all day, wanker," I retorted.

Joe said, "you both can have me."

I grinned and rolled my eyes.


sorry this is short but I hope you like this oneshot

please request


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