morning (slight smut)(request)

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thank you for the request JJM_60


A groan escaped my mouth as I moved slightly waking up. I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by my boyfriend on his phone.

"morning," i said with a raspy voice

He looked at me and smiled "morning love, did you sleep well?"

I hummed in response while moving closer to him cuddling into him. His scent filled my nose, i felt his lips press against my head. I moved my head to look into his eyes. Joe smiled down at me I of course returned the smile. I leant toward his face so our faces were a few inches apart.

"love" he whispered

I hummed

"Can I kiss you?" he asked

"yes" I whispered back

He leant in the whole way connecting our lips, his hand moving to my face. Our lips moved in sync as I moved so I was more on top of him. Joe's hands moved to my waist lifting my shirt up slightly and placing his hands on my bare waist. Moving my hips grinding into him softly, a groan escaped his lips. His hand grabbed my waist so I would stop moving. He separated from me.

"love can we wait until tonight?" he asked

"of cause baby" I replied

I moved so I was cuddled on top of his chest.


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