champagne problems (angst)(request)

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thank you for the request @whyamihere000008


As I dashed from the room to my car, my feet landed on the ground. I'm not ready, and I can't breathe.

"Y/N" Joseph was yelling as he ran at me.

His expression crushed me.

His face was filled with tears as well as mine was.

"Joseph," I mumble.

He questioned, "Why did you say no?"

I responded, "I'm not ready," as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Joe pulled out his phone, which buzzed to break the lengthy pause. His mother was calling.He told me  while looking into my eyes saying, "Mum hoped you were going to say yes."

"Joe... we can't be married."

"Why", he demanded.

My gaze strayed to his "because I am not worth it. You deserve someone more attractive, joyful, entertaining, and loving, thus you can't wed me."


I turned away from him and headed towards my car before leaving.

Josephs POV

What the fuck just happened? Y/N drove off. I had to get out.

(a few days later)

I noticed my brother's eyes on me as I stared into space.

He remarked, "Joe you will find your person, Y/N just isn't."

I muttered, "No, she is," and then got to my feet, entered my room, and closed the door behind me.

The box containing the ring for the person I love beyond all else was on my nightstand.

sorry this took so long to come out but i hope u enjoyed
please request

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