im here (request)

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thank you for the request PaulisMedi227



I'm looking through comments and posts that say Joseph deserves better than me and that I'm ugly. In the past, I never really cared about how people perceived me or our relationship, but this new fame and attention hurts more. I knew I was lucky to be with Joseph, but I don't understand why he chose me.

I felt tears burn in my eyes as I read everything.

Josephs POV

With food bags in hand, I entered my shared house with Y/N. "Y/N I'm homee!" I shouted as I placed the bag down.

I left the kitchen and moved up to our bedroom after silence filled the air. Y/N was crying as she looked at her phone.

"My baby, what's the matter?" I inquired as I entered the room.


The voice of Joseph startles me, and I look up to see him approaching me.

Despite the pain, I whispered, "I'm okay."

A look of concern filled his face as he sat on our bed looking at me.

"love you know you can tell me anything," he told me

The tears continued to fall as I nodded

"Love," he said softly, his hands on my cheeks, brushing away my tears.

When I showed him my phone, his eyes opened as he read the information on the screen. Joseph took my phone away from me and started scrolling through the negative remarks people had made about me.

"Ohh darling, don't you dare listen to these people," he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me.

I wrapped my arms around his body, drawing him closer to me as I sobbed into his chest. Joseph gave me a tighter hug as he expressed his love and appreciation for me.


i hope you enjoyed this oneshot

please request :)


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