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I was currently in my shared hotel with my boyfriend Joseph, right now he was playing DnD with his cast members. I just wanted to cuddle him right now, I am 4 months pregnant so my belly was a little sticking out. We knew we were having a girl but I didn't care I don't mind which gender my baby is I will love them regardless.

I heard the door open, "baby I'm home" joseph said as he walked toward me placing his hand on my belly.

"How are you today," he asked me

"I'm ok, I just missed you and I need a cuddle," i told him

He smiled and joined me in bed moving closer to me and pulling me onto him so I was laying on his chest.

Joseph heart beating was so relaxing for me, i know he's with me. I thoughts were interrupted when i felt a small kick on my belly. I raised myself placing my hand on the place it kicked.

a huge smile spread across my face "baby she kicked" i told my loving husband. He placed his hand on my belly smiling.

"hello baby girl" he whispered into my belly talking to our daughter.

A smile spread across my face, i had the perfect life.

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